Saturday, 28 December 2013

No Such Army: Free Syrian Army has turned out to be a scam...

No Such Army: Free Syrian Army has turned out to be a scam... Whither the Syrian "revolutionaries"? by Thierry Meyssan Dec. 22, 2013

November 29, 2011, a delegation from the Free Syrian Army allied itself with a delegation from the Syrian National Council. In theory, the opposition now had a military wing and a political wing.

In reality, the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian National Council are two fictions created by NATO. Both are exclusively composed of mercenaries and have little reality of their own in the field.

The organizers of the Geneva peace conference urgently seek a representative for the armed Syrian opposition. According to Westerners, the conflict opposes an abominable dictatorship to its own people. However, armed groups that destroy Syria - from the Islamic Front to Al-Qaeda - officially call for foreign fighters, even if the former claims to be composed primarily of Syrians. Inviting them would amount to admitting that there has never been a revolution in Syria, only foreign aggression.

Indeed, the Free Syrian Army, which a few weeks ago we were told included 40,000 men, has disappeared. After its headquarters was attacked by mercenaries and arsenals were looted, its historic leader, General Salim Idriss, fled through Turkey and found refuge in Qatar.

At the time of its formation, July 29, 2011, the FSA had set a single objective: the overthrow of President Bashar al -Assad. The FSA has never specified whether it fought for a secular regime or an Islamic regime. It never adopted any political position with regards to Justice, Education, Culture, Economics, Labour, Environment, etc. . It never drafted the slightest policy program.

It was, we were told, formed of soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army who had defected. There were indeed defections during the second half of 2011, but their total number never exceeded 4 %, which is negligible on a country-wide scale.

No : The FSA did not need a political program because it had a flag, that of French colonisation. In force during the French mandate over Syria and maintained during the first years of supposed independence, it symbolized the Sykes-Picot Agreement: Syria was largely amputated and divided into ethnic and confessional states. Three stars symbolized a Druze state, an Alawite State and a Christian state. All Syrians know this fatal flag, be it only by its presence in the office of the Syrian collaborator of the French occupation in a famous soap opera.

Its first leader, Colonel Riad al-Assad, has disappeared to the dustbin of history. He was selected for his name, which is written differently in Arabic but is pronounced identically in European languages with that of President Bashar al-Assad. The only difference between the two men, from a point of view of the Gulf monarchies, was that the first was Sunni and the second, Alawite.

In reality, the Free Syrian Army is a Franco-British creation as were the "Benghazi revolutionaries" in Libya (who had "chosen" the flag of King Idris I, collaborator of the English occupants).

An armed tool of NATO, intended to take the presidential palace when the Atlantic Alliance had bombed the country, the FSA has been tossed by successive plans and the successive failures of the West and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Presented a second time as the armed wing of a political council in exile, the former did not recognize the latter’s authority and obeyed only its Franco-British employers. It was in effect the armed wing of their secret services of which the Syrian National Coalition was the political front. Ultimately, the FSA could accumulate success only with the direct assistance of NATO, namely the Turkish Army that housed it in its own bases.

Created in the framework of a 4th generation war, the FSA has failed to adapt to the Second Syrian War, the Nicaraguan type. The first war (from the NATO meeting in Cairo in February, 2011 to the Geneva Conference in June, 2012) was a media staging to delegitimize power so that it would fall like a ripe fruit into the hands of NATO. Military actions were perpetrated by different factions, receiving their orders directly from the Alliance. It served above all to give credence to media lies giving the illusion of a widespread revolt. According to the theories of William Lind and Martin Van Creveld, the FSA was a label to refer to all these groups, but which did not have its own hierarchical structure. Instead, the Second War (from the meeting of the "Friends of Syria" in Paris in July, 2012 to the Geneva 2 Conference in January, 2014) is a war of attrition to "bleed" the country until its surrender. To fulfill its role, the FSA would have had to turn into a real army, with a hierarchy and discipline, which it has never been able to do.

Feeling its end was near, since the Turkish- Iranian rapprochement, the FSA had announced its possible participation in Geneva 2 by demanding unrealistic conditions. But it was already too late. Mercenaries paid by Saudi Arabia set this NATO fiction straight. Everyone can now see the naked truth: there has never been a revolution in Syria.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Syria Update: Tartus – Latakia (Part 5) December 19, 2013

Syria Update - Tartus – Latakia (Part 5) - December 19, 2013

As we were passing the beautiful Latakia Mountains, we did not know what we were about to see that day.

Hambushiyah village. After the barbarous Wahhabi, who had come here from across the Turkish border, had raided it, the village has become virtually void of inhabitants. One of its former residents told us about the fate of the village as he sat on the grass close by the ruins of his former house.

It must have been hard to be listening to his story even to heavens above, as the heavy clouds kept shedding the teardrops of rain upon us, in the duration of his narrative. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see his painful eyes. For obvious reasons, we will not show his face. Perhaps, some time later. When this horror of war is over and Syria will have peace return to its lands.

“On August 4, 2013, at 4am, all the residents of this village were sound asleep. Suddenly, a large number of mercenaries of various nationalities broke into the village. I saw them with my own eyes. Among them, there were Chechens, Libyans, Afghans, Egyptians, Saudis. I could tell them by their speech. There were women among them, too. They were accompanied by “sheiks”, who were shouting “Allah Akbar!” and were calling them to do killings. Many of them had swords which they used to strike the villagers. The first group of militants, they were chopping everybody indiscriminately. The second group, they were slitting people's throats. The third one, they were taking people captive and shooting them.

“The kept shouting “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” all the time. There were also cheers like “Islamic Front of Iraq and Sham”. However, those mercenary killers have nothing to do with religion and God. Islam has already rejected them. A Muslim will never cut people, dismember their bodies, and fornicate. They had taken captive 115 people from out village. Among them, 68 children aged 8 months to 10 years old. They even took 75-year-old women, those who were old and sick of asthma, diabetes, and other illnesses. Children, young women, the elderly, nobody escaped them. They took pity on nobody. Nothing and no one could be safe with them, neither the people, nor the trees, nor the rocks. Even our cow that was providing us with food they took away along with them.

“I saw how they were cutting women. They were great in number, 4000 – 5000. They would come into their houses and cut them. They ripped the pregnant women’s abdomens and took their unborn babies out. A terrible crime against the poor people has taken place in this place. These people are innocent. Our only fault is that we support our government. But we will continue to support our president, no matter what happens.

“I want to thank Russian government and Russian people, and all the countries that support our just cause. They call themselves Islamists, and religious people. But no religion has anything to do with them. Religion is love. It is forgiveness. Religion is for God. Motherland is for everybody. What am I to blame for if I was born into this place and belong to a certain religion? Whether I am a Christian, or an Alawite, or a Druse, or a Sunni. It is God who has decided so. How can religion cut children and dismember their bodies.

“I have lost 42 members of my family. Some of them have been killed; some of them have been kidnapped. My mother is 75. What has she done to them? My son is three years old. My nephew is nine months old. Another my nephew has been killed. What was their fault? Did they fight for the government? However, as long as we live in this land, we will continue fighting for this government and for this president. There is no better president than this, and perhaps there will never be, in this world.

“I would like to say thank you to Putin! I wish that he defeated his Islamist enemies! What kind of religion is that of theirs? And what kind of person can accept such a religion? How can a Chechen intend to teach me how to be free? A Libyan, who had destroyed his own country; is he going to teach me democracy and freedom? This here was freedom! This is a country of peace and love. Thank God for everything!

“We will fight to the end! Until we have done away with all those Chechen, Somali, Libyan, Egyptian, and Saudi mercenaries. Who is that Bandar? He does not remember his own father! He ships weapons and mercenary fighters here to kill our women and children. They had burned down everything. They have destroyed our harvest fields and ruined our houses. Despite that, we will stand here, holding on to our land. You’re welcome.”

Another one of the remaining villagers noticed us and came up to greet us. He, too, began to tell us about what had happened here.

“They began to shoot from every direction, from that mountain and from that mountain. They were shouting “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!” When we heard the shootings, we ran down to the gorge. I have lost 12 cousins. They were killed inside their houses. All members of my family, some are killed and others have been kidnapped. The ages of the kidnapped are from 5 to 15.”

“Why have you stayed here?”

“Where would I go? I have no place to go. I had taken my family to the city and here there is my house. You would not believe how they were destroying the trees, the harvest, and the houses here. They were firing rockets and shouting “Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar”. Thank God, the ravine is close. We made it to it fast. They were firing in all directions and shouting “Allah Akbar”.

“This is a place where a rocket landed. Everything died in flames, he walnut trees. Everything burned.”

“There was a mass grave down here. There were 86 dead bodies from Hambushiyah, Mbati und Bouta. In this mass grave, a number of women were buried whose bodies were mutilated. There were two decapitated brothers of mine. Initially, there was a small water pool here. They put the bodies in it and covered them with dirt. The youngest victim was 15 years of age. The oldest one was 90. One old man with a limp leg was suffering from gangrene. But he did not escape, either. He was also killed. His name was Dschamil Yassim. They killed 86 people here. There is another grave alongside the road where 13 bodies were buried. They butchered a cow on top of the graves so that nobody would figure it out that that is a mass grave there.

“That is the kind of Islam that Bandar, who himself knows no God, has been dispatching to us. Hamad and Erdogan are calling us to freedom. What kind of freedom is this? Freedom to kill? Freedom to sever [dead bodies]? We do know what freedom is! There has always been peace and security in Syria. It is a country of peace where everybody lived peacefully. This is the kind of peace they have sent out to us [- a mortar shell].”

Unfortunately, this is just one of many similar tragedies that had taken place here. Shakuhi village has no residents left in it, too.

The savage hordes of Satanists were moving down those roads from Turkey. They used to stockpile their weapons in that cave over there while preparing for their barbaric – abhorrent in the eyes of God – crimes against innocent children, women, and the elderly.

Those lonely half-ruined houses, the witnesses to all those mindless crimes, seemed to be silently staring in the air in front of them with those black empty eye sockets of their windows, as if praying for justice.

We do hope that all those responsible for that savage manslaughter, including its perpetrators, who can hardly be called humans or religious people at all, eventually will be punished by both people and God.

Contributors: Vasily Pavlov, Andrey Filatov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin.

ANNA-News, Latakia, Syria

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events - December 17, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 17, 2013

Damascus province. Counterterrorism operation has continued to free Yabrud city in Damascus province of Al-Nusra Front-affiliated as well as many other terrorist groups there. It has been reported that the Islamists there have held hostage 13 Maaloula nuns, kidnapped earlier from St.Thecla Convent in Maaloula.

Presently, the outskirts of Yabrud, as well as the seasonal housing area within the city, have already been cleared of all bandits. Thorough security inspections of the freed areas are underway. In the process, a number of improvised grenade launchers, used to fire locally produced rockets, have been found in the area. Terrorist underground tunnels and bunkers have also been discovered and large quantities of improvised explosive devices have been found and defused in the area.

According to the local residents, there had been many terrorists, including foreign mercenaries, in the outskirts of Yabrud. The bandits from Saudi Arabia, Libya, and a number of other countries, were said to have lived in the nearby houses. All the stores and dwelling houses in that neighborhood have been thoroughly looted by the bandits, who stole anything they could carry including kitchenware. The counterterrorism operation in the area is ongoing.

Al-Nabk city is slowly coming back to peaceful life. Local civilians, confident of the army’s imminent victory, are returning to their city. Earlier, they had to leave their homes to escape the terrorists’ viciousness. In the city streets, more than often, children’s voices can be heard already. During this cold season months, the authorities are doing everything necessary to restore as soon as possible the dwelling houses, to repair looted administrative buildings, schools, and electricity and water supply systems of the ravaged city.

Syrian army special brigades continue carrying out thorough investigation of the territory in and around the city. A large number of improvised explosive devices have already been disarmed. Many cars, which are listed as stolen from civilians have been located in the area.

In Deir Atieh town, liberated from Al-Nusra Front terrorist bands in Damascus province, reconstruction works are also underway. The town’s electricity and water supplies have been restored. At present, local dwelling houses, schools, and the town’s only hospital are being repaired. The hospital building itself had sustained great damages when sieged by terrorists. Peaceful life is coming back.      

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events - December 16, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 16, 2013

Deir ez-Zor. A large band of A-Nusra Front terrorists had tried to break into Aiyash village in Deir ez-Zor province and to assault a Syrian army unit stationed there. Most of the attacking bandits were killed during the combat. The remainder of the bandits were forced to retreat and they had to seek shelter in one of the nearby dwelling houses in the village. During a short-lived siege fight, all of the remaining terrorists were also killed. Unfortunately, three civilians, including one child, were discovered dead in the house. The bandits killed its inhabitants, when they broke into the house.

In the southeast of Deir ez-Zor province, one of the Syrian army units has located another large Al-Nusra Front-affiliated terrorist band. All the members of that terrorist band were killed during the ensued fighting. Syrian army troops took no losses. Later, large quantities of terrorist weapons, ammunition, and military equipment were retrieved from the battle area.

Hama. During counterterrorism operations in Hama city, a secret stockpile of weapons and ammunition has been discovered in a dwelling house, occupied by one of the militants. Among the retrieved items were: FN FAL assault rifle (Belgium), rigged with a rifle grenade launcher, and rifle grenades. The owner of the house has been apprehended. Investigation is underway.

Damascus province. During security checkups, in Al-Nabk city of Damascus province, Syrian army has discovered a large workshop, which had been used to produce improvised explosive devices, and a stockpile of ready-to-be-used improvised mortars and rockets. Large quantities of stockpiled compound chemicals have been seized as well which must have been used by the terrorists to produce chemical weapons components. All the seized items have been taken for further analysis.

Syrian army troops, participating in the cleanup operation, have examined the terrorist fortifications in the area including the wide network of trenches and underground tunnels that had been used by the terrorists. The expertly built two-meter deep trenches as well as concrete-reinforced underground bunkers bespoke deep involvement of foreign military specialists in the construction of those facilities. During the area checkups, Syrian army sappers have discovered and disarmed several improvised explosive devices that had been disguised as boulders and were intended to be used as part of a remotely controlled minefield. The area inspections have continued.

Deir ez-Zor. In Deir ez-Zor province, a 17-year-old woman, named Dunham, has appealed to the local law enforcement agencies. She told a story of how she had been tricked into joining one of Al-Nusra Front bands allegedly to cook food for the bandits. Once in the band, she was coerced into “sexual jihad”. Besides her, there were a number of young women from Morocco and Tunis in the terrorist group. She did know what particular group that was but the group leader, “emir”, was a foreigner, who was not proficient in Arabic. Eventually, she managed to escape.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Monday, 16 December 2013

The Terrorist Advocate: Short Summary of the Lectured Advice

The Terrorist Advocate: Short Summary of the Lectured Advice

The Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews, a public research university in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, Professor Louise Richardson, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by leading Russian university MGIMO at a ceremony in Moscow on November 11, 2013. After the award, Professor Richardson addressed MGIMO students and academics on contemporary terrorism in a Doctorate lecture entitled “Terrorism – what have we learned?”

What particular advice could Dr. Louise Richardson give to university students in a country, which is as familiar with the issues of terrorism as Russia is?

Aside from the most evident features of terrorism that could not be denied any way, Dr. Louise Richardson has tried to infuse additional meaning into its definition in a poorly concealed attempt at mitigating if not undermining accepted firm policies in Russia towards terrorism. Bypassing the criminal aspects of terrorist acts themselves, Dr. Louise Richardson substituted a notion of a clumsy almost juvenile-like “communicator” for the classical notion of a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who uses or advocates the use of violence and/or threats of violence to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes as well as the use of terroristic methods of governing or of resisting a government. However, in the lecture, terrorism has been defined as a means of communication and terrorists were depicted as “action-oriented people operating in an action-oriented in-group”. While listening to how terrorists were nearly compared to innocent children, vying for attention, one could almost feel tender pity, emanating from the stage, to the poor buggers.

“It is through action that they communicate” it has been said. Besides, terrorism has been characterized as pursuing legitimate goals through targeting “non-combatants”. It seems that Dr. Louise Richardson was also trying to imply that resisting a government through the use of violence was in itself a legitimate, if not praiseworthy, goal even though it was done through the use of violence against innocent civilians, rigidly referred to as “non-combatants”, by way of a deliberate strategy on the part of sub-state groups. In their turn, such terrorist groups, it has been implied, in their mindsets, are similar to juvenile delinquents, who are trying to gain reaction to their despicable acts of terror because it is through action that they solicit response as a proof of their importance.

In short, at attempt has been made to diminish the grave nature of terrorist activity and the degree of accountability for such acts on the part of the perpetrators of terrorist attacks. Moreover, that was a misrepresentation of terrorism, which has become an increasingly popular contemporary means of political struggle in some parts of the world and one of the major threats to social and political stability the world over. The significance of the issue has been toned down by suggesting that the terrorists do not wish to defeat their opponents through their acts of terror but simply to communicate their message to others. Terrorism being a political act by definition, such a misleading softened approach to outright savagery and crimes against humanity on the part of terrorists is very surprising and suspicious.

It seems that an attempt has been made to have Russia’s coercive approach against perpetrators of terrorist acts undermined through excessive introduction of conciliatory measures aimed at the societies where the roots of terrorism have not yet been fully eradicated. While stressing the importance of hard and soft approaches, mysterious “successful governments” have been mentioned throughout the second half of the lecture suggesting Russia’s closer cooperation with their intelligence agencies as the only important weapon in counter-terrorist arsenal.

These days, it is more than clear that the so-called conciliatory policies addressed to the broader public where there is a support for terrorism, especially when applied in coordination or with support of the US/UK intelligence agencies, can only bring about an increased covert terrorist activity in those areas. Such cooperation there can only lead to subsequent open violent terrorist outbursts, also assisted by the same above-mentioned foreign intelligence agencies. Thus, such conciliatory measures could only undermine the already existing counter-terrorist policies in Russia, which have consistently proved to be effective because they are straightforward and dependable.

There has also been a contradiction in the way the modern-day terrorist groups have been described in terms of their size and materiel. It was reiterated throughout the lecture that the non-state terrorist groups tend to be smaller yet more lethal these days. For example: “Non-state terrorist groups are fielding lethal capabilities ones thought to be the preserve of the governments. Weapons of greater and greater lethality are falling into the hands of smaller and smaller groups. The smaller the groups the harder they are to detect.” The most recent facts on the ground have shown us that weapons of greater lethality, including WMD, can end up in the wrong hands only if the “successful governments”, who think that they have everything in control, allow such weapons to be delivered into the wrong hands. That is exactly what had happened when chemical weapons were delivered through the Turkish border to Islamist fighters in Syria last summer. We all know what happened there after that weapon of mass destruction ended up in the hands of the Islamist terrorists.

In other words, these days when larger state governments exercise increasingly more pervasive intelligence gathering capabilities, genuine independent non-state actors tend to be less powerful and less lethal, whereas state-sponsored wide-networked terrorist groups (like Al-Qaeda) are indeed becoming more difficult to detect and they pose increasingly more lethal threat to other governments.

In this context, for Russia, or any nation for that matter, applying for help from US/UK intelligence agencies to engage the communities from which the present-day non-state terrorist groups draw their support would produce bad intelligence and facilitate the formation of radical groups within those communities and the emergence of a separate global community complicit in the future violence. That novel global terrorist community, controlled by foreign intelligence agencies, targets the states that engaged their local communities with the intention to produce intelligence there. One such recent tragic example is Turkey.

The lecturer did not hesitate though to conclude that there were going to be more terrorist attacks, perpetrated by non-state terrorist groups. “When the inevitable terrorist attacks occur, it would be critical to maintain our perspective, not to exaggerate the threat they pose, and not to play into the terrorist hands by providing actions to be avenged or by giving them the reaction or the renown they seek.” It sounds as if the author of those words had tried to play down the significance of future terrorist attack against Russia.

Given the achievements of the governments’ intelligence communities in recent decades, the reality of genuinely independent non-state or sub-state terrorist groups becomes almost nonexistent. Whatever violent activities take place throughout the world they are becoming increasingly state-sponsored and are perpetrated by certain states by proxy these days. In this case, whatever terrorist acts take place their masterminds do seek no renown or simply reaction. The state-sponsored terrorist actions are directed against specific states and governments to destroy their political and economic infrastructure, to topple their governments, and to attain easy access to their national assets.

The state-sponsored terrorism is becoming increasingly widespread. The terrorist-states make use of violence for short-term political purposes and they make use of non-state or sub-state terroristic methods of governing or of resisting other states’ governments for long-term strategic purposes. By shifting one’s attention exclusively to the soft aspects of the so-called non-state terrorism, one inevitably advocates for or is trying to smokescreen the state-sponsored terrorism of nowadays.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Syria Update: Tartus – Latakia (Part 4) December 15, 2013

Syria Update: Tartus – Latakia (Part 4)
December 15, 2013

ANNA News team has been to Latakia province and visited a number of areas previously attacked by bands of radical Islamists. Those townships were liberated by the arrived Syrian army troops. However, the tragedy that had befallen this land can be felt immediately here, even to this day. Its signs are everywhere – in the gaping emptiness of the roadside houses, in the forsaken fertile farmlands, in the silent rocks, oak trees, and olive groves.

All along, we were fully aware that we were traveling to places where terrible tragedies had taken place. But the scale of the disaster became understandable only after we had met in person with those people, who had been directly involved in that calamity. Those were the people, who had been witnesses to the crimes of modern-day fascists who had decided that their beliefs give them the right to determine as to who will live upon this earth and who will die a tortured death.        

We have met many people who will be able to testify – in any court – to the facts of such ferocity that can bring shudder even to the most cynical advocates for the cause of the so-called Syrian freedom fighters. Those are the facts of crimes against humanity, of mass killings on religious grounds, and of genocide of a part of the Syrian society. We are going to make known stories told to us by the people, who had managed to survive the manslaughter. The stories of people, who, unarmed and caught unawares in their own beds in the early hours of the morning, still had managed to escape hell. 
We were returning to Damascus with a feeling of a self-assumed responsibility to the residents of the villages of Latakia to tell the world of those tragic days of 2013. Those were the tragic days that had become a watershed in the destinies of those Syrian people, dividing their lives into “before” and “after” – that had radically changed their lives, irreparably crippling them mentally, after they had encountered vicious cruelty, savagery, and inhumanity, which will forever remain in the memory of the Syrian people.

The torments that those people had gone through must never happen again. For that reason only, the facts of the crimes perpetrated by the militants, spreading along with them the plague of the 21st century, need to be brought to the wider public attention, they ought to be known everywhere by all the people of good will, who so far have been unaware of those things that are taking place in Syria. Those facts ought to be known by the people of good will, who are being misled by their mainstream media and their political leaders.

Having arrived in Khirbet Soulas village, we were pleasantly surprised. Even before we had got out of our vehicles, we saw local residents headed in our direction. As soon as they had noticed the vehicles, the people there went out to welcome us. 

“Long live the army”, they were chanting. They told us, “We had been attacked from all sides by the terrorists. They surrounded the village and stormed in, breaking into the houses. But for the help of God and the army, we all would have been killed. There were 400 people living in the village. Those who survived, they left here. The bandits destroyed our houses. They were attacking from everywhere. They burned down and looted the houses. With God’s help, the army came in, drove them out, and protected us. Long live the army! Long live the President! We are grateful to all the soldiers and officers. If it were not for them, we would not be here.
Thanks to God, and thanks to the army, our houses remained intact. We have already seeded and harvested since then. They attacked us at eight in the morning, they attacked the village four times and the army defended us. There were many foreigners among them with big beards. Despite the fact that they had burned down our houses and looted them, we stayed here. We have rebuilt everything and keep living on our land. We do not need anything. It is all thanks to the army. The soldiers are helping us very much. They give us bread.”

Marat Musin: “Those peaceful people came out to greet us. Their village had been attacked four times by the militants. If it had not been for the soldiers, who are right here with us now, most probably no one of those people would have survived. Those are the people who have stayed in their own village. As the militants are constantly trying to break through into this area, the Syrian army troops do not allow them to do that. I just would like to express my wishes that all of your friends and fellow villagers return to your village and to their homes as soon as possible and that peace come back to your lands.”

We continued on our trip to the forefront of the Syrian army defenses.

Marat Musin: “The militants had attacked this spot several times. We are standing at the former line of enemy engagement. When the militants had managed to capture the local telecommunications tower, they ransacked it and set it ablaze.”

“Mister Officer, would you please tell us about the current situation in your defense area front line?”

SAA Officer: “We are at Mount Khirbet Soulas, right now. It is a strategic position here that the militants are constantly trying to capture. This mount top allows us to control the territory from Salma to Rabia as well as a number of other towns and villages in the area. Some of those villages were attacked and captured earlier. The militants have made the villagers leave these places. The militants constantly try to capture new villages; they burn wild forests in order to advance closer to Latakia city to control it. Syrian army stands in the way of those attacks and keeps surveillance of the militants’ numbers and their movements in the area. This particular spot here is very important as it controls all the militant movement routes between the villages al-Rabia, al-Sukaria, and Juret al-Ma.”

Marat Musin: “Where did the militants attack this village from?”

SAA Officer: “The militants have several routes of movement. Number one – from Juret al-Ma village. Number Two – from al-Malek village, on the other side of the mountain. And number three is from Gmam village, in the direction of Khirbet Soulas. Sometimes, they try to surround us by moving from the water reservoir. But our troops’ positioning in the area does not allow them to complete their mission.”

Marat Musin: “How many civilians have been killed?”

SAA Officer: “Before the army came here, there were many killed. They [militants] had carried out massacres several times. One took place in Kambasia village, another one in Sgavor. After the advancement of Syrian army, they retreated, taking great losses. After the army had come, there were no more killings. Now, the army defends this territory, controls the militants’ movements and their supply routes, which run across the border with Turkey. This place is very close to Syria-Turkey border. It is mere ten kilometers from al-Rabia area to the Turkish border.”

Marat Musin: “Are the commanding officers of the militants foreigners or Syrians?”

SAA Officer: “Yes, there is a great number of foreigners among them. Chechens, citizens of the Persian Gulf countries, Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans. Foreigners make up the majority of the militants.”

Marat Musin: “How high are the morals and the combat spirit of the militants?”

SAA Officer: “After several failures on their part, and after the strikes, delivered against their meeting points, the militants’ combat spirit has greatly diminished. Whereas, the Syrian army’s spirits are high. So, you can see the results.”

“You see, they have burned villages, houses, and forests also to distract us from their troops’ movement. They also try to create smoke screens so that we would not be able to spot them. They hide themselves behind the smoke which makes it easier for them to be on the move.”

Marat Musin: “What are the militants’ casualties?”

SAA Officer: “It depends. At times, when we locate their positions, their losses could reach up to 100. More often, it is 50 – 70.”

We are on our way again, moving to another defense area of the Syrian army. Here, there is one of the Syrian army defense areas where Syrian troops defend nearby villages by blocking the militant routes from Turkey. The day when Khirbet Soulas was attacked, they stood a very difficult fighting here but did not let the bandits through.

Marat Musin: “Mister Colonel! How many soldiers did you have here and how did you stop the militant group back then?”

SAA Colonel: “The combat took place April 29, 2013. A large number of militants began to attack Khirbet Soulas village from various directions. Direction number one was from Der Hanka. Direction number two from Garv. A group of soldiers kept their defense here. The combat lasted for six hours. Many militants were killed. They managed to reach this spot. But, thanks to our soldiers’ bravery, the militants were driven back, having a great number of them killed. The militants had initially thought that they controlled this area. That was the beginning of their operation to capture Latakia city. According to their plan, the militants expected to have captured the ridge of Khirbet Soulas in the morning; and by the evening of that day, they intended to take over Latakia. This spot here is very important! Anyone who has control of this place is able to control Latakia. That is why they had tried to capture this place several times. Every time, they sustained great losses.”

Marat Musin: “I would like to express my gratitude… By withstanding such an attack you have in fact saved the lives of the people of that village.”

SAA Colonel: “Mostly, there are foreigners in the militant ranks. One of their aims is to capture as many women as possible. Once, we have intercepted a message radioed by one of the militants, who was reporting a capture of several women. He was told to await “sheik”, who will have to see the women before distributing them… They [militants] have no morality. We the soldiers and officers of the Syrian Army will be defending this territory. We consider ourselves responsible for the lives of those civilians. If the militants broke through here, it would be a catastrophe to the residents of the villages. The way it happened in some other villages where the militants had carried out mass killings. They had raped women and taken captive a great number of people, of whom we have not heard anything to this day. That is why our duty is to stand up against terrorism, hold on to the end, and try to kill as many of them as possible. We are fighting here against the international terrorism, for the rest of the world. They come over here from all around the world. Even in Turkey, now that they have given these bandits a shelter there, the same militants now give them problems. They even began to threaten the Turkish people, already.”

Subsequently, we found out that it was this very SAA officer, who had stood in the defense of this place for six hours, along with his five soldiers.

Our trip to the Syrian army frontline defense positions was drawing to a close. However, our journey across Latakia was not over.

It is to be continued.               
Contributors: Vasily Pavlov, Andrey Filatov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin.

ANNA-News, Latakia, Syria

Friday, 13 December 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events - December 11, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 11, 2013

Damascus province. Counterterrorism operations have continued in Damascus province. Syrian army troops have continued their advance in Al Kalamoon direction. Heavy fighting is going on in that area and nearby neighborhoods that are being held on to by a large group of Islamists, who are putting up a desperate resistance. The advance of the Syrian army has been hampered due to the exhaustingly rough mountainous terrain, exceeding quantities of diverse weapons and military equipment, including heavy weapons, ammunition and landmines, used by the militants, numerous urban area pockets, and thoroughly fortified firing points.

The terrorist bands have been noted for having accumulated in them large numbers of foreign mercenaries from various countries from all over the world. Besides, this particular terrorist group has been also noted for enjoying the direct support from certain circles in Saudi Arabia.

After the liberation of Al-Nabek city, Syrian army troops have reached the outer boundaries of the ancient city of Yabroud – that had been mostly populated by Christians – and have begun their cleanup operation there, cordoning off the city and freeing it from the grasp of the local terrorist groups. In the meantime, SAA Special Forces have continued security checkups and investigations in the previously freed areas of Al-Nabek city itself.

In the area, filled with seasonal houses, between Al-Nabek and Yabroud, a separate terrorist group that had used a pick-up truck to try to break out of the city has been neutralized. Syrian army search brigades have discovered a number of terrorist stockpiles of weapons and ammunition in the area as well as a lengthy underground tunnel, rigged with explosives. In the recent battle areas, a great number of terrorist vehicles, various kinds of abandoned weapons and ammunition have been discovered as well.

Runaway terrorists have tried to inflict as much damage to this city as they possibly could. They have left behind them many looted and burned-up dwelling houses, public office buildings and administrative structures. Besides, someone must have ordered them to slay all the livestock, including cattle, owned by the local residents. Perhaps, the terrorist ideologues had decided that cows and bulls were also serving the regime and treated them as infidels.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Thursday, 12 December 2013

The Wolf of NATO in the EU Sheep Clothes is Stealing Towards Ukraine (and Russian Borders!)

The Wolf of NATO in the EU Sheep Clothes is Stealing Towards Ukraine (and Russian Borders!)

In a country where the average monthly minimum wage is said to be about $150 USD, it is not hard to understand why Ukrainians are being exploited by the West to usher in a new military agreement under the guise of economic reform.

For the EU, let alone the U.S.A., there is no economic interest involved in Ukraine’s possible joining the European Union, except certain geopolitical advantages that the NATO member-states might possibly get in their strategic policy toward Russia.

No clear economic benefits are being promised to Ukraine!

No clear economic benefits are expected in the EU!

However, NATO expects to gain direct access to Ukrainian territory in order to turn it into another Tier Three contingency with severe, widespread humanitarian consequences!

According to the Council on Foreign Relations' Center for Preventive Action (CPA) annual Preventive Priorities Survey – ranking the most plausible future conflicts on which the U.S. government should focus – Ukraine could become another global hot spot on par with renewed military conflict between Russia and Georgia, an intensification of political instability and violence in Libya, violent election-related instability in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, political instability/resurgent ethnic violence in Kyrgyzstan, an outbreak of military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and possibly over Nagorno Karabak.

While NATO was not specifically mentioned in the draft of the "Association Agreement," the proposal is said to have pledged convergence of foreign and security policies of the European Union and Ukraine. Which means NATO expansion.

In the draft of the Agreement, foreign and security policy mandates:

"The Parties shall explore the potential of military and technological cooperation. Ukraine and the European Defence Agency (EDA) will establish close contacts to discuss military capability improvement, including technological issues."

The draft of the Agreement's preamble links Ukraine to "ever closer convergence of positions on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest" including the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) – which underscores the military nature of the agreement.

Since 22 of 28 members of the EU have NATO membership, there is little doubt that Ukraine is currently being drawn into the broad military arrangement with EU nations.

NATO members are currently under pressure to contribute more and more of their GDP to military expenditures. But for Ukraine, military spending simply going up and domestic spending simply going down might seem peanuts, compared to the cost of possible turning the country into a Tier Three hot spot of regional humanitarian disaster zone. Moreover, the latter seems more probable, given the U.S. agenda of Preventive Priorities in conflict prevention. In which case, with or without the EU, Ukraine appears to be doomed to be turned into a permanent zone of political instability and violence on the border with Russia.

Pro-European proclivity is Ukraine’s greatest weakness and Ukrainian people are going to pay dear for that weakness! Signing the Agreement opens the door to NATO’s direct access to Ukraine policies to slowly drive the country into economic depression and subsequent social upheaval. Not signing the Agreement by the Ukraine government gives the NATO leading member-states an opportunity to exploit the EU card as a permanent pretext for supporting social unrest and political instability in the country while pretending to try to prevent the conflict.

This way or the other, the winners are certainly unlikely to be the people of Ukraine, but instead the "people" of Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and other defense interests. That is, unless the people of Ukraine grow up and out of their European weakness.

Syria Update: Attack Northward (Part 4.4) - December 11, 2013

Syria Update: Attack Northward (Part 4.4)
December 11, 2013

Syrian battle tanks had accomplished their roadside mission and promptly moved deeper into the urban area to help the infantry troops there finish off the surrounded enemy. The tanks were moving to the battle area where there was need for tank firepower.

Upon reaching the designated city block, the tanks split up and proceeded on different routes in order to engage their respective targets while also covering each other’s rears. In the meantime, the assault groups’ troop reinforcements were arriving, too.

One of the tanks was providing cover to the evacuating wounded soldiers, who had to cross a street at an intersection controlled by enemy fire.

Fresh troops were arriving. The assaulting infantry troops also needed assistance in demolishing the fortified enemy positions. One of the battle tanks moved out to provide fire support to the infantry troops while another one was covering it with suppressive fire. SAA officer was relaying tank tactics advice and target data to the tanks.

SAA officer: “Move on! Straight ahead and to the right! Watch out! I am in front of you! Move forward! Aim lower! Fire! Move closer! I am right by your gun! Make it lower! Aim lower! Look to your right! That is where my position is! Everybody on your left and in front of you are your enemies! Do not move further! Stay where you are! Are you OK?”

The assault groups were constantly advancing and providing target location data to the battle tank.

SAA officer: “That is it! Roll back! Roll back!”

Finally, the assaulting troops reported that the terrorist group was destroyed. All the city blocks were fully secured. The combat was over. There were certainly more combats to come, but not today.

Notwithstanding the losses and the fact that the combat turned out to be particularly hard, the mission was accomplished.

To any soldier, there is no better word than “Victory”!

Contributors: Vasily Pavlov, Andrey Filatov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin.

ANNA-News. Syria.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events - December 10, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 10, 2013

Damascus. International terrorist bands, in their powerless rage, have continued their barbaric attacks upon cities and townships of Syria. The mercenaries of terror, chanting invocations of God’s Name and Islamic slogans, do not war against the army and government but against the ordinary people of Syria by killing totally innocent civilians of that peaceful country.

During the day, in the heart of the world’s most ancient capital city, a bomb has exploded in the famous trade street of Al Sahia. Two persons have been killed at the explosion. About 35 people have been wounded. This spot in Damascus is one of the liveliest in the city. There are always many people there. That is exactly the kind of places that the terrorists have been trying to target. Another two bombs went off in Malki neighborhood, and one bomb went off in “Mezze 86” district, in the southwest of the Syrian capital Damascus, causing substantial damages.

Damascus province. Counterterrorism operations have continued in the city of Annabek, which had for a long time been in control of Al-Nusra Front terrorists. Syrian army troops have begun cleanup operations in and around the recently freed city. The remaining terrorists, resisting the troops, are being killed on the site. In the areas of the recent battles, a number of bodies of the killed terrorists have been discovered. Large amounts of abandoned terrorist weapons, ammunition, and equipment are currently being retrieved from the area.

Several secret stockpiles of weapons, ammunition, and ready-to-be-used landmines have also been discovered, hidden by the Islamists in the ordinary citizens’ dwelling houses. Syrian army troops have started undoing the terrorist-made firing points, fortified defense positions, and barricades in the area. Syrian army sappers have disarmed a large number of explosive devices and have carried out a thorough investigation on the site a real death factory of a terrorist workshop, which had been used by the terrorists to produce improvised explosive devices (IED).

Syrian army has brought along a long-awaited peace to the city. The reaming residents were happily welcoming their liberators. They told them about the nightmare that had reigned the city during the nearly four-month period of stay of the Islamists in the city. Refugees have begun to return to their looted and ruined homes. The people are certain that Syrian army will win this war.

With Annabek city freed from the terrorists, the Syrian army has taken in full control the strategic Damascus – Homs – Aleppo highway, which is open for safe transit, now.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Syria Update: Interview with mayor of Tartus, Syria

Syria Update: Interview with mayor of Tartus, Syria

December 19, 2013

In this interview, mayor of Tartous, Syria talks about refugees, related problems, and the future of Syria.

Q. Mister Mayor! You became mayor more than a year ago. What problems did you encounter back then and what problems are you facing now? What is done and what is to be done yet?

A. Good evening to all journalists and to friendly Russian people, who are always supporting what is just. We have a high opinion of Russia’s position, especially in recent times when international coalition has declared war on Syria. The aim of this war is to foster the interests of the U.S.A. and their allies in this region as well as to get rid of the terrorists, who have accumulated in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and a number of European countries, by sending them off to Syria. Also, the aim is to weaken the Syrian Republic in its fight against Israeli invaders. The only side that truly wins in this war, which has continued for almost three years, is Israel. However, the fortitude on the part of Syria along with the support of her allies – Russia, China, Iran – has led their aggressive plans to nothing.

The more fierce are the fighting and the combat battles the closer this war is to its end. When we watch and listen to those untruthful media channels, such as Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, we understand that their aim in this war is to control the Middle East.

I have taken this post one year and a half ago. Sure, many things have happened since that time. Since Tartous and the coastline area have been least effected, while eastern and central parts of the country – Homs, Aleppo, Idlib, Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor, and elsewhere – due to ongoing terrorist activities there have become real hot spots, people started leaving their own cities and moving on here, as these are more peaceful places.

According to our government decree, we have set up 21 refugee centers here. We have accepted about 600, 000 refugees from troubled areas. We have made everything possible to provide adequate standard of living. Inside those centers, we have built hospitals where doctors keep 24-hour emergency services. We have created additional seats in schools, from first to 12th grades. All children were accepted in schools and provided with free textbooks and notebooks. All teachers were provided to work at local schools, based upon their previous work records and salaries.

At mayoral office, we have been doing everything necessary to provide our refugees with all they need. From the very beginning, all the refugees were provided with drinking water to address their daily needs.

Thanks to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the U.N., the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, Occupational Ministry, we have responded to the increased numbers of refugees by increasing the amount of freely distributed food aid from seven to 32 consumer baskets of goods. We are trying to provide the refugees with maximum of comfort and everything that they lack. The city residents took large numbers of refugees into their apartments. Now, they are sharing their food, clothes, and medicines with them. We act upon all the decrees of our government in this regard.

Q. Sir, you are said to be “the man who prefers a hands-on approach”, according to your fellow-citizens. What is currently being done, from humanitarian point of view, to alleviate the plight of those families, whose bread-earners have been killed in this war?

A. There are certainly many people, in Tartous, who have their soldiers killed. For example, I remember how a woman told me about her family that her husband, a major-general, her brother, a brigadier-general, and her son, a lieutenant, all had been killed.

We, this country’s government and our mayoral office, as officials responsible for this country, express our condolences to such families and take part in their funerals. Funerals usually turn into dialogue with the citizens during which they address their requests and problems. All people come forward with their problems, starting with the bereaved family members and all the way to the residents of the townships where the burial took place.

We certainly provide material and humanitarian assistance. According to our government’s decree, we provide with state-funded job at least one relative of the deceased – be it his brother, his son, or his mother – so that the family would be provided with a sufficient income. If such a family does not have its own dwelling place, we assist in obtaining one.

Q. That Syria is going to win the war no one has any doubt about it. Besides, it will happen in the near future. Judging from your experience, when rebuilding the new peaceful life, what major problems do you think are going to face you socially and economically?

A. As you have said, the outcome of this war is clear. The army will certainly defeat the terrorists, as our course it is just. The strength of Syria is in its people, who support their army and provide for it. Syria has a strong economy. Modern Syria began to build its economy in 1970. A lot has been done since then: many schools and free universities were built; state healthcare is freely distributed, which is not available in many countries. The economy is strong in Syria; and after the war, we will begin to rebuild everything anew.

The next year, 2014, is full of hopes. A good budget is being planned and we are going to rebuild our country even better than it used to be. I would like to express enormous gratitude to Russia, Iran, China, countries of Latin America, and all the countries that support justice.

Q. Mister Mayor! I would like to thank you for the interview.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events - December 7, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events
December 7, 2013

Al-Hasakah province. Pursuing their primary goal of public intimidation and spreading the atmosphere of fear, groups of terrorists – who have brought so much death to so many innocents in Syria – have continued their despicable acts, killing civilians.

There seems to be no end in sight to the terrorist attacks in the streets of Syrian cities. Densely populated city blocks have continued to be targeted by terrorist rocket and mortar fire.

Last Sunday, December 7, in one of the liveliest streets of Al Qamishli township in Al-Hasakah province, a place where Arabs, Kurds, Syrians, Assyrians, and Armenians have lived together side by side for ages, a terrorist suicide-bomber has detonated a car rigged with high-powered explosives. Seven people, including one woman and one child, were killed in the explosion. Thirty-two people were wounded, some of them heavily. Five injured people are now in critical conditions in hospital.

The terrorists, who claim to have been fighting for Islam and insist that in the name of God they are warring against the present power structures in Syria, in reality are fighting and firing mortars – and killing ordinary innocent civilians – in areas where there are no military or state objects at all.

Idlib. Al-Nusra Front terrorists have once again carried out an aggressive mortar attack on Idlib town. A mortar hit a small truck that was parked in a lively street full of people, including children. Two children – a boy and a girl, both fourteen years of age – have been killed. Seven people were wounded, among them children, too. Substantial residential damages and property loss have been sustained.

Hama. Counterterrorism operations have continued in Hama province. Syrian law enforcement agencies have ambushed a large shipment of weapons and ammunition, and component explosive devices, intended for the Al-Nusra Front terrorists. One of the terrorists accompanying the load had put up fight and was killed on the spot. Another one has been apprehended. Investigation is underway.

Damascus province. Syrian army has continued its counterterrorism operations in An Nabk town. For some time, the terrorists there have held on to a number of small city blocks putting up desperate resistance. However, Syrian army troops have kept carrying out their mission moving steadily forward and recapturing the area, house by house and street by street. The city’s previously freed areas are being thoroughly investigated.

As the Syrian army advances, peaceful life in the city resumes. The remaining city dwellers are wholeheartedly praising their liberators.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Краткая сводка о ситуации в Сирии за 6 декабря 2013 года.+18

Syrian Update: Latest Events
December 6, 2013

Aleppo. All kinds of terrorists have continued their attempts at creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in Syria. Under the trumped-up but false religious slogans and references to God, the bandits continue to murder ordinary civilians – the Syrian citizens. The terrorists continue to kill everybody, notwithstanding their victims’ beliefs, age, or social status.

Another terrorist rocket attack that had taken place in Aleppo has led to the deaths of 17 civilians. More than 30 people have been wounded, some of them seriously. Among the dead and injured, there are many women and children. Out of the 17 dead victims, nine of them have turned out to be the members of the same family. Almost all the members of the family have been killed in this attack.

The only survivor, a boy who had luckily escaped death, told reporters that his father, mother, brothers and sisters were sitting in the living room when a terrible explosion ripped through their room and the house wall began to collapse. He was sitting in the corner further away from the wall than the others were and that saved his life. His whole family became trapped under the rubble. The boy was among the first rescued victims, trapped in the debris. Rescue workers, neighbors, and numerous volunteers still continue sifting through wreckage for survivors. However, in this particular family there no more survivors. The terrorists had fired 10 rockets on the city inflicting vast damages. But wrecked houses is nothing compared to human lives and the loss of the loved ones.
Damascus province. The Al-Nusra Front terrorists have also targeted the residential areas of the city of Al Tal in Damascus province. Luckily, no one got hurt. However, many city building have been damaged in that brutal mortar and rocket attack. Many buildings caught fires, which were promptly put out. Great damages have been inflicted upon the dwelling houses and property items of the city residents.

Syrian army has continued its counterterrorism operation in the city of al-Nabeck. About 90% of the city’s territory has already been freed of terrorists. Cleanup operations are underway in the previously freed city districts. Several bandits who had failed to leave the city on time have been captured by the Syrian army troops. Those of the militants who put up fighting are being killed on the spot. A large stockpile of terrorists’ weapons has been found in the area. The counterterrorism operation and securing of the area have continued.

Hama. Syrian army has located and engaged a large Al-Nusra Front-affiliated terrorist group in Hama province, when the terrorists were trying to plant landmines on Pharda - Salamia highway. The bandits had put up fight and were killed on the spot. Syrian army sappers have disarmed all of the explosive devices detected in the area.

Idlib. After having carried out a number of special operations in the area, Syrian army troops have taken in full control all the townships and hilltops nearby Idlib – Aleppo thoroughfare. Special checkpoints have been established to maintain constant control of the nearby neighborhoods and keep vigil over the adjacent territories thus ensuring the peaceful living of the local residents and the safety of the vital highway traffic.

During the checkups and securing the area, the Syrian army troops have discovered several entrances to ancient man-made caves and underground facilities, which had been used by the Al-Nusra Front terrorists as their militant hideouts.

The bandits had deformed and reconstructed those historical sites according to their needs, regardless of the cultural value of those ancient human abodes.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Saturday, 7 December 2013

Syria Update: Attack Northward (Part 4.3)

Syria Update: Attack Northward (Part 4.3)

December 7, 2013

SAA assault troops continued to dismount and storm the roadside residential area buildings. The first building which had been stormed turned out to have been rigged with explosive devices. As they were retreating, the militants detonated the building. The SAA army assault group was badly hurt: one officer was killed and six troops were wounded. Helping their wounded, the soldiers started getting out of partially collapsed building. One soldier was dispatched to get medevac help but rescue vehicles had arrived before he even made it to the base. Now, he was waiting to rejoin his comrades.

An Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) arrived to evacuate the injured personnel. At that moment, another explosion went off. Luckily, this time the blast took place in an empty building. A medical support armored vehicle arrived shortly after the evacuation IFV. Finally, the wounded soldiers were taken to hospital for treatment. As we were passed by the armored vehicle, its driver let us know that the wounded had been evacuated and then the vehicle scurried away to the hospital.

Casualties did not stop the troops in their assault. They continued storming the building by widening the passage in its outer wall. The militants did not seem to anticipate that the storming of the building by the Syrian army troops would continue and began to dissipate running out of the building. Outside, a battle tank was already waiting for them.

Those targets that could not be reached by the tanks were being engaged by artillery fire.

SAA radioman: “Hold on to your positions for three more minutes! The tanks will come shortly.”

The militants kept streaming out of the building. The tanks were assisting the militants to get to their destination by air. There was no guarantee though that the terrorists or their baggage would get there in one piece.

In a little while, tank reinforcement arrived. SAA radioman: “Hurry up, tanks! Move fast!”

The tanks were busy securing the alleyway from which the militants kept fiercely firing at them. Some place elsewhere, a terrorist sniper fire was coming from, too. While seeking the enemy firing point, the tank was constantly changing its own position to evade possible mortar fire. Such maneuvering proved to have been done in a timely fashion, as it had a mortar suddenly zing by, missing the tank. Constant movement on the part of the tank did not allow the militants to take their aim at the tank. In a little while, one more mortar flew by with a zing, missing the tank.

As they ran out of ammunition, the tanks were swapping their positions. Now, the tanks received information on a militant anti-tank firing point. One of the tanks moved out to a position most convenient to deliver flank fire. The militant firing point was neutralized through combined efforts of artillery and tank fire.

In the meantime, the assault troops continued amassing their efforts in the area. The artillery fire that was engaging the enemy deeper in the militants’ defenses was thus providing additional support to the storming troops.

As soon as their mission by the roadside had been accomplished, the tanks immediately received another one. The infantry troops, securing the area deeper inland the urban area, were expecting heavy armor support.

Contributors: Vasily Pavlov, Andrey Filatov, Igor Nadyrshin, Victor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin.

ANNA-News. Syria.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Syrian Update: Latest Events December 4, 2013

Syrian Update: Latest Events

December 4, 2013

Another terrorist act took place in Jebbeh district in Jisr al Abyad neighborhood of Damascus. A suicide-bomber detonated himself using an explosive belt as he was passing through the checkpoint at the Syrian Arab Republic defense ministry department that is currently engaged in detailing the numbers of the SAA personnel killed during the combat operations in the country. Four people were killed in the blast and at least 17 people were injured.

Increasing numbers of bandits have used the opportunity of the general amnesty – issued earlier by President Bashar Assad – to lay down their arms voluntarily and surrender themselves to the authorities. A number of former members of various militant groups have already passed thorough investigative procedures and upon signing respective pledges have returned to their homes and normal family fives. Those are the people who had not taken part in carrying out of terrorist acts or executing civilians and prisoners and who had been coerced into joining the terrorist groups by force or intimidation, or through deceit.

Idlib. Counterterrorism operations have continued in Idlib province. Syrian army have completely freed the town of Khan Shehun of Al-Nusra Front-affiliated terrorist groups. The city plays strategic role in providing traffic security on the nearby Damascus-Aleppo highway. Thorough security checkups and investigations in the town itself and the two nearby previously freed townships of Maaret Al Nouman and Wadi al-Deif have begun.

Damascus province. Counterterrorism operation has continued in the province of Damascus, to complete the securing of al-Nabek city. In a timely fashion, Syrian army units have managed to liberate the hospital building – along with its working personnel and its patients – in the strategic town of al-Qalamoun. SAA Special Forces units have begun thorough check-ups in and around this newly liberated city securing the neighborhoods and killing the remaining terrorists in the area.

During the checkup procedures, a stockpile of quantities of ready-to-be-used explosive devises and foodstuff has been discovered, belonging to the Al-Nusra Front militants, in one of the dwelling houses. An improvised rocket-launching system has also been found in the area. The cleanup operation is well underway.

Homs. In one of the abandoned houses in Tadmur area in the east of Homs province, SAA search units have discovered a stockpile of weapons and ammunition that belonged to the Al-Nusra Front militants. Several terrorist fighters who put up fight and were killed on the spot had been guarding the stockpile.

Damascus. Commission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has continued its work in Syrian Arab Republic. The work continues according to plans. Syrian authorities have continued providing all necessary assistance in the work of the Commission members. Problems arise when it comes to inspecting the areas that are currently controlled by the terrorists or immediately adjacent to the battle areas.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

[Syria] Краткая сводка о ситуации в Сирии за 2-3 декабря 2013 года. +18

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 4, 2013

Damascus. Al-Nusra Front terrorists have continued their barbaric attacks with mortar and rocket fire on the cities and townships of Syria. In one of the attacks recently, a mortar has exploded near the famous Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus. Located in the old city of Damascus, the Umayyad Mosque is one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world considered by some Muslims to be the fourth-holiest place in Islam.

The famous site is locate in the heart of Damascus is always full of people. The mortar explosion lead to 11 people being seriously injured including children. Some of the wounded victims are currently in critical condition in hospitals.

Damascus province. Intense fighting has continued in and around the city of Al Qalamun where a numerous al-Nusra Front-affiliated terrorist group also known as Liwa al-Islam largely made of mercenaries had put up severe resistance. Mountainous terrain and heavily fortified multiple townships in the area make it particularly difficult for the army counterterrorism units to continue their movements there.

The province of Damascus has seen some progress in the Syrian army counterterrorism operations that led to freeing from terrorists the famous Hosh Plass Industrial Area. The Syrian army troops, securing the area, have witnessed total devastation and destruction inside the industrial facility inflicted upon it by the terrorists. All the machinery tools and equipment of the workshops there had been dismantled and stolen or simply destroyed by the terrorists. Most of the plant buildings had been rigged with landmines and explosive devices.

The local kindergarten had also been marked by the terrorists’ presence there. After finding out that there was pretty much nothing to plunder, the bandits ravaged children’s furniture and toys, also ripping out and taking away electric cables from the power boxes. Local administrative buildings and dwelling houses have also been looted.

During security checks, a mass grave of previously killed militants have also been discovered in the area. In order to make their subsequent identification impossible, the bodies of the dead mercenary fighters had been burned prior to being buried by the terrorists.

The Syrian army have taken in control the city of Dayr Atiyah, thwarting the terrorists’ desperate resistance there. The scanty residents, who had remained in the area, were gladly welcoming their liberators. During their fierce fighting, the Al-Nusra Front bandits have taken heavy losses there. The militants’ dead bodies could be seen scattered across the city. According to their identification documents, there are many foreign mercenaries among the killed militants.

Careful examination and security checks are being carried out currently by the Syrian army units in and around the city. Syrian army sappers are at work, too. A large quantity of forlorn weapons and ammunition have been found in the area. Scores of improvised landmines have been disarmed.

The outer rural boundaries of the city of Dayr Atiyah have disclosed a number of lengthy and well-fortified underground tunnels that connected the city outskirts with the urban areas. Security checks are going on.

In Damascus province, some of the former bandits, who had been forced to join the terrorist groups by force or intimidation, or through deceit, have used the opportunity of the general amnesty – issued earlier by President Bashar Assad – and laid down their arms surrendering themselves to the authorities. After a proper investigation, those of them who had not taken part in carrying out of terrorist acts or executing civilians and prisoners would be sent home, upon signing non-violence pledges.

Homs. Fierce fighting has continued in the district of Bab Hud in Homs city. Syrian army troops have managed to take in control several more city blocks, notwithstanding the terrorists’ wide network of underground tunnels, Al-Nusra Front militants’ heavily fortified defense positions, and the frantic resistance on the part of the terrorists. The cleanup operation is still underway in the area.

Damascus. Commission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has continued its work in Syrian Arab Republic. Syrian authorities and military leadership have been providing all necessary assistance in the work of the Commission. All declared sights of chemical weapons production and storage facilities that can be accessed now have been verified. Particular attention is being paid to personal safety of the members of the OPCW Commission.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

ANNA NEWS Syria Update: Latest Events December 1, 2013

Syria Update: Latest Events

December 1, 2013

Homs. Al-Nusra Front terrorists have continued mortar and rocket attacks on residential areas of cities and townships in Homs province. Syrian authorities have established exact number of victims of the mortar attack that took place this late November in the city of Homs. That particular mortar shelling resulted in one of the mortar shells hitting a local school building, with classes full of children, and several mortars exploding near the school on the territory of the local open grocery market. One person was killed in the attack and twelve others were injured, some of them heavily, including three children.

Aleppo. ANNA News team in Syria has received shocking CCTV camera footage of Al-Nusra terrorists’ barbaric mortar attack – which had been reported in one of our previous dispatches – that took place in the city of Aleppo on November 19 this year. It had been mentioned that a mortar exploded not far from the entrance to one of the government office buildings in the early morning hours when people were hurrying on their way to work. Two persons were killed on the spot in the explosion and ten more were wounded, some of them heavily.

Damascus Province. Syrian army have continued counter terrorism operations in Deira Teja Area of Damascus province. A numerous band of Al-Nusra Front terrorists had tried to capture and blow up a local hospital building. Syrian army troops had managed to liberate the hospital complex and its personnel as well as its inhabitant patients and a group of Syrian TV news reporters. The cleanup operation in the area is still underway.

Cleanup and security checks have continued in the previously freed areas in Damascus province. In the process of securing the area of Qadam neighborhood Syrian army troops have discovered an outsized catapult system that had been improvised by the terrorists to hurl projectile explosive devices at long distances.

In Beth Tahem neighborhood of Damascus province, 26 militant fighters have laid down their weapons and surrendered to Syrian authorities in line with the general amnesty that had been issued by President Bashar al-Assad. Among those who have laid down their arms are some who had joined the terrorists on their own accord. Some of them are former police officers. However, the majority of them are those who had been forced to take up arms and turn them against their own people. Background checks are being carried out. Some of the surrendered, who had not taken part in perpetrating terrorist acts, executing military prisoners, or killings of civilians, are going to be freed and will be able to return to their homes, after having signed up corresponding pledges.

Damascus. Across a number of Damascus’ fringe neighborhoods, 14 former police officers, who had taken part in war fighting alongside Al-Nusra Front militants, have voluntarily abandoned the terrorists’ ranks and surrendered themselves along with their weapons to the Syrian authorities. According to their claims, they had been drawn into the terrorist ranks by force and through intimidation and they would like to return to their peaceful lives. Thorough background checks and investigation are underway.

ANNA-News Agency

Contributors: Marat Musin, Igor Nadyrshin, Vasily Pavlov, Victor Kuznetsov.


Sunday, 1 December 2013

Украина: На гране ЕС

Рассматривая возможные последствия присоединения Украины к Евросоюзу, нельзя рассуждать только категориями макроэкономических миллиардов. С какими целями ЕС и США нагнетают истерию вокруг отказа Украины от ассоциированного присоединения к Евросоюзу? Помимо экономического мотива, по которому аннексия нового рынка сбыта выгодна, прежде всего, странам ЕС, существуют также геополитические аспекты.

Украина – это территория, непосредственно прилегающая к территории России и Белоруссии. Принимая во внимание характер требований, предъявляемых Евросоюзом к Украине (в том числе, заморозить зарплаты и пенсии, значительно увеличить тарифы на ЖКХ) в сочетании с условиями создания зоны свободной торговли (в том числе, беспошлинный ввоз в Украину европейской сельхозпродукции, введение дискриминационных для Украины тарифных квот и сохранение в ЕС многомиллиардных дотаций аграрному сектору), становится понятно, что присоединение Украины к ЕС окончательно лишит страну экономической и политической самостоятельности. Еврочиновники будут сами решать, что и где будет производить Украина и будет ли что-то производить вообще.

Евросоюз не собирается заботиться о повышении благосостояния населения Украины. Благополучие украинского народа европейских чиновников заботит меньше всего. Скорее всего, ЕС и США преследуют иные цели, стремясь втянуть Украину в долговое рабство и превратить в вассала европейской интеграции.

Создания зоны свободной торговли неизбежно сделало бы украинское продовольствие неконкурентоспособным в ЕС и в самой Украине. В итоге Украина навсегда потеряла бы самый ценный ресурс любой экономики – внутренний рынок. Евросоюз обещал Украине техническую и материальную помощь в том случае, если правительство страны подпишет соглашение с Международным валютным фондом. Причём в Евросоюзе Украине предложили сначала подписать соглашение, после – договариваться с МВФ. Таким образом, сокращение социальных выплат и рост тарифов на ЖКХ являются обязательным условием получения займов. Это означает только одно - долговые обязательства в долгосрочном плане призваны лишить Украину политической самостоятельности в принятии тех решений, которые потребуются для обуздания в стране неизбежного в данном случае роста социальной напряжённости.

То, что предъявляемые требования не могут не привести к росту социальной напряжённости в стране, совершенно очевидно. В таком случае, превращение Украины в источник постоянной социальной напряжённости и политической нестабильности вполне может оказаться конечной целью формального присоединения страны к ЕС.

С учётом того, что правительство Украины весной этого года одобрило стратегию «защиты и интеграции в украинское общество ромского национального меньшинства на период до 2020 года», с целью «создания надлежащих условий для защиты и интеграции в украинское общество представителей ромского национального меньшинства, обеспечение для них равных возможностей для участия в социально-экономической и культурной жизни государства постановляю», экономическая и социальная напряжённость получила бы дополнительный фактор в виде постоянно прибывающих в страну беднейших и наименее социально адаптируемых слоёв населения Евросоюза.

Это, в свою очередь, только ухудшило бы общественно-политическое и экономическое положение страны. Возможно, усилиями ЕС и США Украина постепенно превратилась бы в дополнительный нестабильный с военно-политической точки зрения регион, имеющий общую с РФ границу. Усугубление экономической и политической ситуации в Украине могло бы привести к сепаратистским настроениям внутри страны, вооружённым столкновениям между отдельными этническими и национальными группами, в том числе на религиозной почве, и последующему превращению этого региона в источник постоянной военно-политической напряжённости.

Превращение Украины в очаг напряжённости у границ РФ возможно только путём присоединения страны к Европейскому Союзу, в результате которого ЕС и США получили бы практически прямой доступ к управлению экономическими и общественно-политическими процессами в стране. В настоящее время американские и европейские спецслужбы стремятся добиться того же результата, нагнетая социальную и политическую напряжённость в Украине под предлогом «массовых акций протеста» по поводу "замораживания" Украиной процесса интеграции с Евросоюзом.

Оппозиционные партии продолжают оказывать давление на официальные власти, проводя многотысячные акции протеста в Киеве и привлекая в свои ряды новых сторонников из разных слоёв общества.

Если планы по дестабилизации региона и превращения Украины в дополнительный очаг военно-политической напряжённости у границ РФ действительно имели приоритетное значение для стратегов в США и ЕС, следует ожидать, что нынешние акции протеста в Украине будут стремительно нарастать и могут вылиться в вооружённые столкновения «активистов» с органами охраны правопорядка Украины.

На сегодняшний момент продолжаются массовые акции сторонников евроинтеграции в Киеве и других регионах Украины, которые начались 21 ноября после объявления правительством страны о приостановке подготовки к подписанию соглашения об ассоциации с ЕС, которое планировалось на саммите "Восточного партнерства" в Вильнюсе. В ночь на 30 ноября представители спецподразделения МВД "Беркут" разогнали протестующих в центре Киева. Во время разгона были задержаны 35 человек, на них составили административные протоколы, сейчас все они отпущены. По данным медиков, пострадали 35 человек, семь из них до сих пор в больнице. После разгона "евромайдан" переместился на Михайловскую площадь украинской столицы. В связи с событиями в центре Киева украинская милиция завела 12 уголовных дел.

Следует отметить, что представители стран Запада уже осудили «жёсткие действия» правоохранительных органов. Заинтересованность США в росте напряжённости в Украине должна проявиться очень скоро. О серьёзности намерений американских и западноевропейских стратегов свидетельствует тот факт, что реакция Запада не заставила себя долго ждать. Практически по свежим следам дипломаты и представители западных правительств стали высказывать свои опасения или осуждения произошедшего в центре Киева.

Послы ЕС и США незамедлительно отреагировали, призвав правоохранительные органы Украины не применять насилие к гражданам страны. Основным лейтмотивом соответствующих заявлений была озабоченность применением силы против мирных граждан. "Соединенные Штаты осуждают насилие над протестующими на майдане Независимости, совершенное сегодня (в субботу) [30 ноября 2013 г.] на рассвете. Мы призываем правительство Украины уважать права гражданского общества и принципы свободы слова и свободы собраний, являющихся основополагающими для демократических ценностей и краеугольным камнем нашего стратегического партнёрства", — говорится в пресс-релизе американского посольства на Украине.
Еврокомиссар по вопросам расширения ЕС и политики соседства Штефан Фюле тоже призвал власти Украины соблюдать свободу собраний. "Следим за ситуацией с большим беспокойством, призываем воздержаться от использования силы против людей, мирно выражающих свои взгляды", — написал еврокомиссар в своём микроблоге в Twitter.

Жёсткой оказалась реакция Польши, что не удивительно, поскольку при разгоне пострадали двое польских граждан. "Польское общественное мнение и международное общественное мнение не потерпят такого рода событий", — сказал польский премьер Дональд Туск.

В течение большей части дня 30 ноября 2013 г. ситуацию не прокомментировал ни один из высокопоставленных украинских чиновников. Ближе к вечеру стала известна позиция премьер-министра Украины Николая Азарова. Сначала через своего пресс-секретаря, а затем при помощи Facebook премьер осудил насилие на "евромайдане" и заявил, что специальная оперативно-следственная группа изучит все факты и в скором времени укажет на виновных, которые будут наказаны. Он также дал понять, что власть совершенно не заинтересована в дестабилизации обстановки.

Вечером того же дня на сайте президента Украины появилось заявление Виктора Януковича. Глава государства осудил действия, которые "привели к силовому противостоянию и страданиям людей". Янукович также поручил генеральной прокуратуре в срочном порядке предоставить результаты расследования инцидента.

Остаётся надеяться, что грамотные и своевременные действия украинского руководства не допустят эскалации напряжённости в Украине и дальнейшие акции протеста обойдутся без различного рода провокаций, в том числе со стороны третьих лиц.

Развитие ситуации в Украине по силовому сценарию стоило бы России гораздо больше, чем собственно потеря экономического партнёра. Создание у границ РФ ещё одного политически нестабильного и волатильного в военном отношении региона, часть населения которого настроена враждебно по отношению к России, означало бы существенный сдвиг в развитии геополитической ситуации в регионе.