Sunday, 31 July 2016

Hillary is a Lie and Betrayal

Hillary is a Lie and Betrayal

Hillary Clinton has betrayed her nation, her friends, and her own ideals. She is a traitor! Hillary rose to fame delivering her idealistic commencement address at Wellesley at the beginning of her career. However, she has betrayed those grand ideals of hers over a lifetime of political compromise, expediency, self-promotion and complacent acquisition of power, wealth and fame.

Basically, Hillary Clinton bears personal responsibility for the two major issues that are dragging the US into the abyss right now. First, Hillary and her husband have colluded with the Wall Street and international banking system to create the money supply as debt. As a result, the astronomical debt is now strangling the consumer economy in the US and threatening the global economy on an unprecedented level. Secondly, the US military spending on completely unnecessary and illegal wars of aggression involves spending ten times more than any other nation on military needs, which creates even more government debt. Behind both of these issues, there are the Clintons with their irresponsible decisions and adventurist policies.

There is certainly more to Hillary Clinton’s mistakes and crimes than simply making her decisions by narrowly calibrated short term economic considerations. Hillary Clinton might also appear to be on the cusp of proving to herself that her husband, who has matrimonially humiliated her for decades, is about to pay. She is visibly power hungry. But if it is driven by her economic considerations or her longing for revenge is generally irrelevant. What is important is that Hillary harbors the spirit of infidelity, betraying her previous ideals and friends. During her youthful years, Hillary Clinton used to man the anti-war barricades in the late 1960s. When she got to Washington she was supposed to uplift the world in the 1970s. Instead, she got down to the pursuit of power and filthy lucre, which started in the 1980s. And she wholeheartedly joined the ruling class in the 1990’s. Ever since, she has personally helped make a tremendous mess of many things in America and around the globe.

It was the period of the final years of the Cold War, when Hillary Clinton got into the White House. Power hungry and impertinent, she did not miss any chance to abuse her and her husband’s positions to enrich themselves, even at the expense of global peace and homeland security. Peace building opportunities at the Cold War’s end were tremendous. There was absolutely no military threat left to American security anywhere in the world. Hillary Clinton who had an incredible influence on her husband at that time had actually failed the peace movement in the US and around the world and instead began to abuse her position in her personal interests.

The Clintons should have cancelled most expensive new weapons programs and reduced the military-industrial complex. They could have revised their position with respect to NATO and made good on Bush’s pledge to Mikhail Gorbachev to not expand it “by an inch” by disbanding or reforming the now obsolete alliance. She could have stayed true to her peaceful principles, as she and her husband were positioned to lead a global disarmament movement and to end the global arms export trade once and for all. The Clintons could have spent more time focusing on domestic economy, they could have drastically reduced the defense budget. That was their job to finish the business of peace. However, they blew it in the name of political opportunism! They failed to recognize that the American public was ready to end the century of war. Hillary Clinton displayed no interest in preserving peace around the globe and stability at home. She has not done one single thing right in that direction!

Instead, Hillary Clinton first proved to be incompetent professionally after she had failed the health care bill. On becoming Senator, she failed at legislature and also betrayed the opening for peace. She embraced Bush’s “shock and awe” campaign in Iraq and was thereby complicit in destroying that Middle Eastern nation.  Subsequently, Hillary Clinton helped unleash the furies of Islamic sectarian conflict in the region that eventually led to the atrocities of the Radical Islamist terrorists and the rise of the ISIS barbarians there. When Barack Obama took the war budget to a level that was almost twice the level that Dwight Eisenhower thought adequate at the peak of the cold war, Hillary Clinton was completely on board.

By the time Hillary became Secretary of State, the idealism and defiance of the warfare state that had animated her in her youth had completely evaporated. For Hillary Clinton, it was now all about getting and keeping power and ensuring personal enrichment! In that respect, Hillary’s term at the State Department was a downright betrayal of her youthful ideals and her country as a whole. Meanwhile, her incompetent decisions and flawed policies have led to wars in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine and unleashed the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world since the WWII. Those wars that Hillary Clinton supported have been disasters for their citizens. Hillary’s policies have become a stain on America’s standing in the world.

Hillary Clinton has become a war criminal. But it did not stop her from continuing to abuse her position of power and enriching herself and her family at the expense of American taxpayers and the lives lost by hundreds of thousands of people around the world as a consequence of her flawed policies. There will not be a new Hillary in the weeks ahead. Hillary Clinton’s flaws, mistakes, and aberrations will be trailing her indefinitely. She is not likely to become an inspirational candidate. Hillary’s political savvy, charisma, and lovability are all but nonexistent. Her approval ratings are unlikely to go up. She is not going to become a progressive hero, either.

She will not become trusted by middle-class Americans who have long regarded the Clintons with suspicion. The only chance to stop the Clintons' takeover of America again is by defeating Hillary Clinton to prevent her from becoming the next president of the United States. She seems to have expended her political clout with her fellow party members, too. Hillary Clinton has become a lie! Her time has come when it became clear that Hillary had run on betrayal all her professional life in the White House. She has run out of all credibility. It is time to retire!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

3 Things That Guarantee Engaged Employees - Forbes

3 Things That Guarantee Engaged Employees - Forbes

3 Things That Guarantee Engaged Employees

  • I write about leveraging neuroscience to create remarkable leadership.  

One of the most important and core elements a company of people can be aligned on is their mission, vision and values about the company. These components are essential and powerful drivers for the exec team to efficiently achieve the success they want. They are also the key to having a highly engaged culture of team members who say ‘Thank God It’s Monday!’
Many companies don’t really think this is important to have these or have them nailed down. But that’s primarily because of one major flaw in the use of these terms. That one flaw is the integrity that runs behind the concepts of the Mission, Vision and Values Statements.
Often there is a lot of misunderstanding about these words, mission, vision and values. And there are a lot of definitions out there.
I happen to like the Peter Senge definitions – who is most well known as the author of The Fifth Discipline, but was also the Director for the Center for Organizational Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
He coined the phrase, “The Learning Organization”. A learning organization is the term given to a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself.
We start with the assumption that we all want to be effective with our company, both within the company and within ourselves within the company. And let’s call effectiveas creating the results we want long term and sustainably. History in organizations has shown that to be effective we need to be clear about the mission, vision and values.
So let’s use the Peter Senge definitions of these words:
In his world view – the word mission means the “why”. Why are we in business? Why are we doing what we do here? Why does this company exist? What’s the purpose for us existing?
Example: Mission for a company providing private student loans: We believe every child has the right to receive a higher education that is financed in a manner that is fairly priced and accessible to all.
On the other hand – vision is a little different. A vision is a picture of what you want as far out on the horizon as you can see.  And usually this is 3-5 years – in a company or with a person. And as you get closer you revise. It is important that it be long-term enough to make decisions.
Example: Vision for a company providing private student loans: By 2020 we will have enabled 50 million students to receive a higher education.
Values have to do with standards of behavior that you say yes or no to. You want the vision to happen in service of the mission – but there are some things that are important to you, some guidelines of behavior that you are not going to compromise, regardless.
We believe people may not be able to become profoundly aligned with other people, but they CAN and WILL become profoundly aligned with a potent mission, vision, and values.
A wonderful example of a corporate vision and values is Johnson and Johnson’s credo. For over 10 years I have used this example in training and presenting to businesses and organizations. It is a beautifully designed values document that stresses the importance of the behavioral alignment with the values.
Let’s drill down:
Mission Drill Down
Let’s start the discussion with answering any of these questions:
  • Why are we here as a company?
  • Why do we exist?
  • What are we going to source that will not have existed without us being here?
  • What are we going to make happen because we exist?
Now you have your mission statement – this can continue to refine over time – but this is a starting place.
Vision Drill Down
Let’s talk about the Vision of the company. If we stick with our original definition that the vision is a clear picture you can see of the company as far out as you can see on the horizon – which is likely 3-5 years from now. What’s the clear picture you see of the company?
Vision can be asked in that way – or we can ask ourselves in the opposite way to start to get our vision – what are we willing to give up to have alignment on what the future looks like. Often having a clear vision is challenging, because we look at what we want only – however, we know that from our lives, often what we want and what we end up with can be different. Mostly that difference is the summation of our behaviors and actions along the way. So, it can be very valuable for us to both consider what we want, and what we are willing to give up or sacrifice at the company in order to have a complete picture about the future.

Vision is often thought of as results – we want to be worth X amount of money. But again – let’s put those Visions aside, because, that is not a Vision that is going to move everyone through the organization. Remember we are talking about a company vision. We are looking for a vision that people in the company from the top to the bottom can get behind.
And perhaps the best question we can ask is:
Who are we becoming as a company in 3-5 years?
  • What will we be known for, or known as in the community then as a company?
  • What will we be proud to say we are as an identity in the business community when we arrive?
  • What are some visions of what you see the company looking like 3-5 years from now?
Values Drill Down
Values can be pretty cliché – most companies are working off of similar values. And it is not the words; it is how we demonstrate them at the company. They are going to be behaviors you agree to live by and align with on a daily basis when you walk through the front doors of the business. Words that you are going to live and show by example.
Choosing the values of the company is to say – “I believe strongly that these will demonstrate the most important behaviors to us as a culture.” It is making a commitment to the kind of company you wish to be.
A good way to think about this is – if you woke up every day and had certain words or phrases posted in your shower, as a reminder about the most important things to you in life – in terms of values – what would those be?
  1. Mission – Your purpose – what’s the big why? Is it worthy and emotional?
  2. Vision – a picture of what you want – clear picture? Is it compelling? Martin Luther King didn’t just have a simple idea. He had a dream so infused with passion and meaning that others wanted to be a part of it.
  3. Values - the standards of behavior – integrity, open communication, team work, etc. – that we are expected to honor as a member of the tribe.
Is it time to take a look at your company’s mission, vision and values?

An Oscar-Winning Performance From Ireland's Film Entrepreneurs - Forbes

An Oscar-Winning Performance From Ireland's Film Entrepreneurs - Forbes

What’s behind this remarkable success? The country’s competitive and stable tax incentive – a film and TV tax credit, also known as Section 481, and worth up to 32% of eligible Irish expenditure – certainly helps, as does its strong creative pro-filmmaking environment, and a supportive Irish Government. But what’s really been driving industry growth is a wealth of creative and highly entrepreneurial Irish film-making talent.
Among Irish film’s big success stories is Kilkenny-based Cartoon Saloon, producer of Oscar-nominated ‘Song of the Sea’. The business was founded in 1999 by Nora Twomey, Tomm Moore, and Paul Young, who met as animation students at college in Dublin

Ivanka Trump's Speech at the Republican National Convention

Friday, 22 July 2016

Jon Stewart, Back on ‘Late Show,’ Lets Loose on Fox News and More - The New York Times

Jon Stewart, Back on ‘Late Show,’ Lets Loose on Fox News and More - The New York Times

Jon Stewart is Back and Wrong

I was happy to see Mr. Jon Stewart return to “The Late Show” in a live broadcast after the Republican National Convention. The timing seemed certainly right for Jon Stewart to share about the 2016 presidential race. As usual, he aimed his witticisms at the hypocrisies of the news media and his old nemeses at Fox News. There was something unusual about his performance though.

Notably, Jon Steward did not talk very much about Donald Trump who has won the Republican nomination for president. It was a 10-minute segment of jibes, interlaced with edited television clips, that was delivered from Mr. Stephen Colbert’s “Late Show” desk at the Ed Sullivan Theater. Mr. Stewart criticized the Fox News host Sean Hannity and other TV personalities whom he viewed as too hypocritical in their support of the Republican presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump.

It was not quite clear why Jon Stewart decided to come up with his portion of dirt to fling at the Republicans this time around. Perhaps, he just wanted to take it at the broadcasters and commentators, who had supported Mr. Trump, because there remained the last traces of inconsistency and bias that Mr. Stewart so quixotically attacked throughout his tenure as a professional comedian. The personality of Donald Trump has overnight become bigger than life. Perhaps it, and something else, made even a brief name calling in reference to Mr. Trump sound almost apologetically.

Jon Stewart has not completely changed his opinion about Donald Trump, it seems. The old misconceptions are hard to get rid of.  Donald J. Trump has proved that he was severely misjudged, though. Both his political friends and his critics have been wrong about him. Even Jon Stewart seems to have admitted it by having most of his vehement gags aimed not at Trumps’ persona but at his prime supporters’ perceived inconsistencies. However, misconceptions remain. Mostly, they were generated by the Democrats to discredit Donald Trump as presidential candidate. Eventually, they fell prey to their own misaligned characterizations of Donald Trump and the Dems ended up gravely underestimating their major political opponent. 

First, the myth of Donald Trump’s political inexperience has been highly exaggerated. It was the Democratic party that coined this notion that Donald J. Trump had no political experience because he had never been a professional politician. Donald Trump has had a lot of political experience actually dealing with numerous political officials during his business career. Trump has learned a lot about politics without ever being a politician. Donald Trump is a natural showman. Not only he already knew a lot about politics, he also must have felt like fish in water there, repeatedly trying his part in the political theater of previous presidential campaigns. That must be one of the reasons he eventually decided to run all the way. He had enough experience to be sure that he would win over the majority of voters. It is his unique political experience that he gained during his work with numerous politicians in his career that has become the key to his success as a politician during this past year.

Jon Stewart is unjust in his criticism of the supporters of Donald Trump. Obama does pursue policies that covertly divide the nation. Listen to his tirades about the problem of racial discrimination against African-Americans in the US every time a black thug is killed by police, even when police actions were justified by circumstance. Obama administration does support open borders policy even though it known for a fact that there are scores of hardened criminals, including drug traffickers and rapists, among the incoming illegal immigrants. These two problems are genuine! Sean Hannity displayed good judgment addressing those problems. Donald Trump displayed his political sense and experience addressing those issues.

Jon Stewart has failed to explain why he is unhappy about Trump addressing the problem of criminals crossing the US border along with other illegal immigrants coming from Mexico. Jon Stewart failed to explain why he is unhappy about Sean Hannity bringing up the issue of Obama being a divisive factor in the relationships between the blacks and whites. Without explaining himself, Jon Stewart erroneously accused Donald Trump of being a white supremacist, repeated the old lie that Donald Trump had no experience, and mistakenly attributed divisiveness to Donald Trump. Off course, a businessman who has built his empire embracing experts of all kinds and walks from all around the globe must be a white supremacist. Surely, a person who within a year has become the most popular politician in the country must have had no experience before. Surely, such a politician, who has brought millions of rank-and-file registered Republicans back into the party working ranks and inspired millions more from among his opponent’s former supporters to leave the Democratic party and join the Republicans in their support of Donald Trump, must be very divisive. Especially to his opponent’s political party!

Attacks on Sean Hannity and other reporters were unjustified as well. There does not seem to be any inconsistency in criticizing a president, who happens to be a professional politician, for constantly using a teleprompter and praising a political novice for using one when he had never used a teleprompter before he became a fully-fledged political leader of his party. In the first case, Obama’s constant use of teleprompter speaks about his lack of control, political freedom, and independent thinking in the face of a pressing problem. In Donald Trump’s case, using a teleprompter is a step forward in mastering the art of political dialogue and discovering new ways to deliver a political message to a greater, a constantly increasing, number of followers and political supporters.

Yeah, Obama is a greater elitist than Donald Trump! All you have to do is to look at how Obama and his spouse, Michelle, relate to Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second. The Obamas are appallingly elitist! They look down upon everyone who does not have at least a drop of royal blood in them. And it shows. Trump is rich, tough, and smart. He has sustained his wealth and social status through his own toughness and intelligence, as well as the toughness and skills of his employees. He might look down at those who are not as successful in employing their own toughness and wits to become affluent, but he does not look like he feels entitled to his supreme position except through the virtue of his own hard efforts and work ethic.

Obama is being criticized as a professional politician who has betrayed his own ethics and principles while serving the interests of people other than the majority of the American people. He neither looks, nor speaks, nor does as a person who cares about the national interests or ordinary Americans. As opposed to Obama, Trump addresses concrete problems, offers viable solutions, and displays his financial independence from the multiple interest groups inside and outside the country.

Religiosity of Obama is a mystery to many Americans! He was raised as a Muslim. His father, his relatives and his many childhood friends are Muslims. Is he a Christian? Most people would doubt that. I remember that, during the presidential inauguration, Obama took his Oath or Affirmation without having the Bible under his hand. By convention, incoming Presidents raise their right hand and place the left on a Bible while taking the oath of office. Obama had profaned the rite the first time by stuttering and invalidating his own oath on the day of Inauguration. The following day, he repeated the ceremony indoors but he apparently refused to take the oath using the Bible.

The fact that pope criticized Donald Trump’s decision to build a border wall, does not mean that Trump is less Christian than pope, but it shows that pope is less, than Trump, interested in making sure that the US borders are secure and fully controlled by the US border control agents.

Jon Stewart was disingenuously repeating the slurs devised by Hillary Clinton campaign managers. The words ‘thin-skinned’, ‘authoritarian’, ‘narcissist’ bespeak Jon Stewart’s own political leanings. His angry trolling was aimed against Donald Trump, even though he did not attack Trump personally. Most pathetic and disgraceful was Jon Stewart’s attempt to disclaim the Republicans’ slogan of taking the country back. He knows that the people the Republican voters are trying to take their country back from are the clique of treasonous so-called progressive liberals and socialists who are the front political hacks of the globalists.  As the US citizens, the registered Republicans, millions of ordinary people who have chosen their political leader, are the rightful owners of the country. And so are the registered Democrats as well as those who do not register their political affiliations but remain American citizens.

However, the right to participate in this kind of participatory ownership of one’s own country has to be proved through faithful adherence to the principle of priority of national interests over the interests of transnational corporations and foreign interest groups. Your ownership of the country is proved by your patriotic actions aimed at attaining the good of your people. Trump has united the people who recognize the malicious character and treasonous actions of the Obama administration and treacherous character of the Democrats’ presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. Millions of registered Democrats and Republicans have recognized the threat Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton pose to the majority of American citizens. Obama and the Clintons have already proved through their actions that they act not in the interests of the majority of the American people. The Clintons and their progressive liberal globalist cronies have treated the US as if they were the owners of the country all these years. They have acted as if they were the owners of morals. They have acted as if they were the owners of common sense.

Donald J. Trump speaks on behalf of the majority of Americans robbed and deceived by the liberal/socialist globalist scum, who act as if they own America. The progressive liberals and that dishonest and disgusting globalist cabal in DC do not own the country. They have taken it by deceit and through intimidation of the ordinary Americans. But the country is not theirs! The globalist leftists have stolen America from the American citizens and are trying to convince Americans that being a citizen of the US, or any other nation for that matter, does not mean anything! The US liberal/socialist globalist political manipulators, like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have committed treason against their nation. The country should certainly be taken away from them and given back to the people through a true American conservative leadership.

They have been using and abusing America to their own ends, the US political and economic infrastructure gradually falling apart. That is why the bravery and sacrifice of such national forces like the military, police, and firefighters has been neglected, disregarded, and abused. Obama and Hillary Clinton serve the interests of an international group of people that view the nation state in general as an obstacle to their own global plans. Only such a leader, who delineates the current political crisis in the US as contradiction between the national character of the interests of the majority of Americans on the one hand and supranational character of the interests of the people behind the Obama administration on the other, can be called a true leader not only of the Republican party but of the whole nation.

Jon Stewart must be feeling confused and even embarrassed that the person he had so vehemently and sheepishly ridiculed in the past stands for those same interests that he, Jon Stewart, advocated for so consistently throughout his career as the host of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”. Donald J. Trump is the only person who, like those few other former US presidents, simply through the power of being his own boss financially, can become the true people’s leader. He cannot be bought! He cannot be blackmailed! He cannot be corrupted through political process the way most professional politicians end up toward the end of their political careers! A professional businessman, a builder, and a real estate developer that he is, Donald J. Trump cannot help but deliver on the promises he gave to his numerous constituents who through the power of their numbers make his own political standing indomitable.

There is certainly more hope for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton! Donald J. Trump is the only kind of national elite that can be a true leader of the nation. Especially in our times of increasingly post-Westphalian globalist chaos of the decline and diminishment of the nation state as a conventional political subject.