Wednesday, 11 September 2013

“Just the Tip”: Securing the Zionist “Reich” in the Fertile Crescent

Syria-related conflict has drawn the naval fleets of the two most powerful nations in the world into the Mediterranean where Russian and U.S. warships and submarines are prowling waters off the Syrian coast poised to start action in case of a military scenario, which might easily turn into another major regional conflict.

The world is on the brink of another big war! Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media is busy pushing U.S. president Barack Obama to unleash missile strikes against Syrian defenses under a false pretext of retaliating the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian forces. It becomes increasingly obvious that Syria did not use chemical weapons against the predominantly foreign led groups of Islamic extremists and mercenaries, who had infiltrated into Syria from Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, and are fighting against the government forces in Syria. Neither did the Syrian government use those weapons against its own citizens, including children. However, the more obvious it gets the more the Western media outlets become hysterical in their advocacy of a unilateral military strike against Syria by the United States and its allies.

The avid lack of rationality on the part of certain U.S. governmental officials borders on outright cynicism and devil-like possession when they even begin to rationalize on the possible use of force against Syria. They act like drones, programed to destroy their target regardless, refusing to listen to any arguments, when it comes to possibly attacking Syria. Those few leading politicians, who have started the White House vocal campaign against independent Syrian Arab Republic, display no common sense and no regard for the intrinsic national interests of the American people. They want war with Syria, regardless the U.S. national interests, the facts on the ground, or rational reasoning!

Why is that fanatical and even paranormal obsession with destroying Syria that we observe in the U.S. and France these days? That strange obsession on the part of a number of U.S. politicians with shredding the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa into a handful of smaller and easily governable territories, which would be allowed no semblance of their own independent national policies or a chance to national unity, has been noticed long before the onset of the current Syrian conflict.

The answer is Zionism. Zionists are one of the major factors that play an important role in shaping the West’s policies towards the Middle East today. The Fertile Crescent area has long been an arena of historic battles between rivaling regional superpowers, including the four major ancient kingdoms that had striven for world dominance for thousands of years before. The main culprits are Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, and Israel.

The Assyria-Babylonian and Persian kingdoms had been generally more successful in their strife for dominance than Israel, which first had permanently disintegrated into two separate kingdoms and later was captured and annexed by successive imperial rulers in the region. Initially as province of Assyria-Babylonian kingdoms and later on as a province of Persian Empire, the remnants of once ambitious Kingdom of Israel ended up as a province (Judea) of the Roman Empire until it was finally dissolved and its population scattered all around the Mediterranean and the Middle East, and Europe.

The latest empire ruling the Middle East was the Ottoman Empire, which held Syria as one of its provinces until it was dissolved in the aftermath of the WWI by the British Empire. By that time, Israel as a nation had long been nonexistent but certain circles within the British Empire and the Unites States of America, as well as elsewhere in Europe, were eager to reinstate Israel as a geostrategic entity in the region. Combined with the corporate interests of the U.K., France, and the U.S., the Zionists have managed to pull through their project, thanks in great part to the WWII.

The two wars, WWI and WWII, were largely guided by the British imperial interests in the region as well as the world over and aimed at destroying their three major competitors, namely, the U.S., Germany, and Russia. The German aspirations to create its own Realm (Reich) were thwarted effectively in WWI. After the WWII, Germany was effectively put under the U.S. and U.K. control. The U.S. was effectively put under British control through the Federal Reserve banking system back in 1913. Russia, even after the political and social upheavals of the WWI, Revolution of 1917, and WWII, was remaining the only power capable of becoming a fully-fledged rival of the Brits in other parts of the world including the Middle East. The Soviet Union and Great Britain saw Israel as a way to project their own policies in the Middle East all along. However, eventually Israel has become a solid ally of the U.S. in the region and an increasingly dominant geopolitical player.

Zionists still view Israel as a potential regional superpower, the Middle East as their natural realm of influence, and look upon former regional empires, i.e. Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, as their major rivals. The state of Israel as a Zionist idea became possible because of confluence of a number of factors. The interests of the American nationalists, the British imperialists, and European Zionists were combined together to bring forward out of nowhere the Israeli nation shortly after the end of the WWII. Potential threat from the Soviet Union both to the U.S. national interests and to the British financial-corporate global aspirations made Zionist agenda viable at that time. It guaranteed that the position of Israel in the Middle East would be firmly secured by financial support from the U.K. and other European nations on one hand and by the U.S. military and economic assistance, on the other.

In today’s world, Israel is getting increasingly isolated. The absence of the Soviet threat, among other things, has rendered Zionist project redundant from the point of interests of the U.S. nationalists and British and European corporate circles. That is why Israel is trying to use whatever clout it still has in the U.S. and Europe to bring about changes that would secure Israel’s position in the Middle East for the remainder of the 21st century. So far, Israel has had a unique opportunity to use the military might of the U.S. and financial support of the U.K. to redefine the Middle East and reshape ones again the map of the greater Fertile Crescent so that no other nation state would be able to pursue its imperial ambitions in the region except Israel.

The 20th century geopolitical structure of global politics has retained its momentum like a gigantic military and political machine, which had initially been constructed to oppose and wage war on the Soviet Union. In the absence of the latter, Israel employed its influence in the U.S. and Europe to make final and decisive use of that global political and military machine to procure Israel’s regional dominance at the expense of American and European taxpayers. Perhaps, the starting point of the active phase of the Israeli project to create a “New Middle East” falls on September 11, 2001. Allied with the rogue elements within the U.S. government, Zionists have managed to pull through a Perl Harbor event, which had been designed to draw America into another World War to propel the interests of the Zionists in the Middle East in exchange for a number of bonuses for those most closely participating in that operation on the American side.

Because of the 9/11, under the guise of global war on terror Zionists in the U.S. and U.K. initiated a series of events, which would make it look legal and necessary for the major NATO member-states to deploy their armed forces to nations of the Greater Middle East, occupying the area of the Fertile Crescent in its maximum extension. The main objective of this so-called war on terror is to subdivide all regional powers and nation-states there into separate smaller tribal territories and put them under control of the CIA-sponsored followers of the most extreme fundamentalist doctrine of Islam thus putting a cap on any further cultural, political, and technological development of those tribes.

By turning every single nation in the region into a patchwork of tribal territories, controlled by local Islamic extremists, competing for humanitarian aid, mining contracts, and financial support from their foreign overlords, Israel hopes to solidify its own position as the sole superpower in the so-called New Middle East. Such novel geopolitical situation in the region is supposed to secure the position of Zionists, hoping to extend their influence and control all over the region effectively making Israel a territorial superpower on par with Russia and China. The Greater Middle East Project is nothing less than a Zionist strategy of turning Israel into a newly empowered geopolitical player with its own global imperial ambitions that could rival those of the U.K., U.S., Russia, and China.

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