Wednesday, 5 March 2014

A Sad Story

A Sad Story

“Truly, it is the saddest thing I’ve heard in my life!”

That is how Jon Stewart replied to his guest’s remark that a lot of people in America “get their news” at the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, adding, “They won’t for long”.

It must certainly be a very sad story about a people that have to come to listen to a comedy show in order to get to know what is happening in their own country and what important events and developments their bosses at work and in the government are desperately trying to hide from them.

The Daily Show has become more than just a comedy show! Given its intellectual and humane intensity, its artistically and informatively unique nature, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart has become a unique phenomenon.

We are truly lucky to be able to enjoy this kind of show thanks to Jon Stewart! Too bad that some talented comedians have not worked longer with Jon and left his show to pursue their own careers. They have been part of a history-making phenomenon. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is a historical phenomenon indeed!

It will be very sad when this show is over. It will be even a greater loss than when the Larry King Live show stopped. It is always great to find out the true nature of a certain public person, a momentous political event, or an intricate situation. The truth is hard to get! Throughout his mock news coverage and analysis, Jon Stewart has been telling us the truth in such a uniquely entertaining and yet genuinely caring and humane way that people just could not fail to see it.

The mainstream news media in the U.S. and other countries -- let’s call them Western Democracies -- have become so dependent on the largest corporations and financial institutions that whatever news outlets are left out there they have become the instruments of manipulation of public opinion rather than a genuine news reporting organizations.

The Western news media serve the interests of the corporate business entities by keeping ordinary people generally uninformed or misinformed about the true nature of all the latest developments at home and abroad. It is especially true about the events that are connected with all but a natural process of growing into one inseparable entity of a globalist -- better say imperialist -- corporate power of the biggest private businesses on the one hand and the political power of the so-called elected governmental officials on the other.

This process of increasing consolidation of political power in the industrially developed world is a very significant historic development, actually! It is sad that the majority of people, whose power and interests their sell-out political leaders officially invoke, can know so little about this historic process. Without knowing, they can not defend themselves against the power-grabbing private corporations that step by step assume the role and functions of the government in so many ways.

Ordinary people are being lied to all the time. Misinformed or completely ignorant population is so much easier to manipulate and control. That is why the gradual loss of the freedom of news coverage by the news media and disappearance of independent investigative journalism are clear signs of the gradual demise of the wide range of democratic freedoms that people in the West have been so proud of. Big money colluding with central political power inevitably leads to a genuine Fascist Government. That is the experiment that Nazi Germany had been through back in the 1930s.

Not only the big corporations turned out to be above the law by using the administrative and law-enforcement resources of the political elite there, but the overseas corporate masters (i.e. the owners of the U.S. corporations that constituted the industrial infrastructure, maintained financial stability, and directly contributed to the military might of the German State) could wield enormous power over the key political leaders of the German government then. The power of the corporate elite had allowed them to use Germany to their ends by exercising their power over the political leaders of the Third Reich. German national interests were taken hostage to the international (i.e. U.S. at that time) corporate interests. Thus is the danger of confluence of the internationally based corporate financial and industrial power with the power of any given national government. War, in the interests of a corporate elite and at the expense of the national resources (i.e. ordinary people’s), including human resources (i.e. ordinary people’s lives), is the absolutely inevitable natural outcome of such a development.

This is true to any nation at any time in history. The U.S. is no exclusion. These days, corporate media in the United States prevents people from recognizing the similar patterns in political development between the largest corporations and the governmental structures. Meanwhile, the truly fascist grip on power by the corporate elite in the U.S. is tightening and ordinary working people, especially the poor, are going to be the first to experience the increasingly negative effects of this process.

Information is the key! These days, those people who are devoid of that information and not entirely hypnotised by the entertainment industry almost instinctively go for whatever source of fresh air they can get. Ironically enough, as history was repeating itself before our very eyes, in the current cloud of corporate-backed government propaganda and lies in the mainstream infotainment media, the only such source of truth to many ordinary people has been a daily comedy show.

Perhaps no other show has been missed so much in the interim periods of recess or as equally awaited after another occasional short period of holidays break. The following that has been generated by the Daily Show with Jon Stewart in America as well as all over the world is in itself a unique phenomenon.

The truth must be said! When the truth is being said by a caring, truthful and intelligent person, it shines like a ray of light in a kingdom of darkness. In the contemporary United States, if you turn on your TV set, the only source of divine intelligent light, faith in humanity, hope of deliverance, love, and truth can be enjoyed on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

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