Saturday, 19 April 2014

Western media shills for war in Ukraine on behalf of Western governments

Signs of the Times - Independent Unbiased Alternative News for Sat, 19 Apr 2014

Western media shills for war in Ukraine on behalf of Western governments

The problem with wars is that you need people to believe in them so they can happen, and somebody needs to do the shooting and dying. As they say, imagine if they gave a war and nobody came. What would happen then? It's not as if our 'leaders', a gaggle of amoral assholes and clinical psychopaths, could be expected to offer themselves and their progeny for the war effort. No indeed, without the 'little people' and 'useless eaters' to fight and die for no good reason other than the personal profits of the political, industrial and financial elites, there would be no possibility of war, ever, and any attempt to manipulate the masses into a jingoistic frenzy would be exposed as the murderous conspiracy that it always has been.

Well, in the case of Ukraine, that's exactly what we are seeing unfold before our eyes.

The newly coup-imposed, non-elected, fascist, right-wing puppet Ukrainian government recently promised an "anti-terrorist operation" against the separatists of the Eastern province of Donetsk in other to avoid another Crimea situation. But things didn't quite turn out as expected.

As Guardian readers humorously put it:

    'Report on progress of the war Captain ... Gave away another tank and having a picnic with the Terrorists sir'...

So what's a warmonger to do? Why, cook up some media manipulation and lies and get out the bag of dirty tricks, of course! It may sound familiar, but it's worked pretty well to date! 

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