Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Комментарий на некоторую критику в адресс русского народа...

Бывает критика конструктивная, а бывает критика деструктивная. Иногда встречается даже не критика, а поза, в которую встает тот или иной “интеллигент”. Исполненный сознания своей исключительности, он позирует, чтобы продемонстрировать всем и самому себе, насколько он лучше, порядочней, умней, образованней других людей, как он и с интеллектуальной и с нравственной точки зрения находится на несоизмеримо более высоком уровне развития, чем все вокруг него присутствующие.
Теперь, что касается вопроса о том, кто “нас русских, последние четыре века... колонизировал, кто гнобил...” Ответ, как ни странно, ироничен и прост. Вина, в конечном счете, лежит на представителях тех же англо-американских финансовых и банковских кругов, которые, как и сотни лет назад, неизменно инвестируют деньги во всякие внешнеполитические проекты, направленные на дестабилизацию и разрушение политического государственного устройства и национального единства других стран, чтобы подорвать их экономическую конкурентоспособность на международном уровне. Кто стоит у власти, тот и определяет экономическую политику страны. Пример Греции сегодня - это прямое напоминание всем, транснациональный банковский капитал был и остается главным и единственным наиболее организованным и сплоченным врагом не только России как независимого государства, но любой страны мира, претендующей на независимость в принятии жизненно важных решений, исходя из своих национальных интересов. В условиях угрозы или ведения войны заниматься играми в “демократию” по западному образцу равносильно самоубийству. Этот урок Россия прошла в 1916 - 1917 годах. В современных условиях совершенно понятно, кто по настоящему способен защитить общенациональные интересы России. Примерно через год станет понятно, соответствуют ли реальные намерения этим способностям.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Shadowy World of Finance

The shadowy world of Ministers' meetings and global financiers’ conclaves needs to be better explored and investigated! Virtually unnoticed by the world’s press, the Mexican government has just hosted the first ever meeting of G20 foreign ministers.

The G20 countries are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK, the US and the European Union.

It is allegedly sanctioned personally by the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, and the purpose of the G20 foreign ministers meeting is a “brainstorming exercise on today’s most salient issues of global governance.” The G20 is the self-described primary world financial and economic forum, so all attention will be on the world’s finance ministers and central bankers in Mexico City this weekend.
As the Mexican Foreign Minister, Patricia Espinosa-Cantellano, put it, there is a need to address “the current sense of impasse in multilateral institutions.” There is a “global governance gap” which the G20 has been called upon to bridge with “vigorous and effective leadership.” According to her, there is urgency as “the world is running out of time.” It would be of great interest to know what is on the ministers' minds and why such a secretive hurry.  What kind of event or events the G20 organizers are so eager to prevent?

There are two policies on the table. The first policy, pursued by Germany and France, is to stick with “austerity measures” that imposes tight fiscal control on heavily indebted countries, like Greece. This includes drastically reducing the value of those national assets, within the previously inflated asset bubbles, that are targeted for future privatization, in case of Greece by the German and French banks. The inevitable consequence of this policy, however, is that it consistently depresses economic growth of the target nations, and requires a great deal of financing from other international financial institutions, IMF for instance, willing to participate in the subsequent privatization of parts of the target nations economies thus even further depressing their economic growth and prolonging the painful consequences of such policies.

The second policy, pursued by the US, China, and Japan, is to urge already heavily indebted countries, including Greece, to assume even more debt, under the pretext of stimulating growth, by way of having their national central banks print more money (it is called “quantitative easing”) in order to “reflate” the national “asset bubbles”. The problem with this policy is that it creates inflation which leads to heavier sovereign debt burdens and in the end lays the ground for more severe financial crises in the future.

Whichever of the two policies are adopted it will leave Greece, or any other nation in such a situation, no chance, though. But there is another aspect to this essentially anti-national global privatization campaign unleashed by the world’s largest banks and their cronies. It also will affect financial markets, speculating on precious metals like gold and silver and cyclical stocks. It applies especially to those stocks that rise very quickly at the first signs of economic growth, like automobile industry for instance, and fall rapidly when growth is slowing down. It is these short-term economic fluctuations in prosperity, based on excessive amounts of debt, and inevitable subsequent depressions, as a consequence of deleverage, that the international financial institutions involved in this Greek tragedy are hoping to take advantage of in the future.

As the saying goes, there is the “good side” to globalization and there is the “bad side” to it. The “good side” of globalization is about easy credit and rising leverage, as money flows easily across local and national boundaries, and creditors in their greed fail to distinguish between good and bad borrowers, boosting aggregate demand. The “bad side” of globalization is about tight credit, deleverage, and declining money flows across local and national boundaries, as creditors tighten credit to both good and bad borrowers, depressing aggregate demand. The expert combination of these two sides of “globalizing” the world, nation by  nation, sets the global economy into a vicious cycle of income and employment rises and declines when euphoria is succeeded by pessimism and any growth only precedes a burst of another Speculative Asset Bubble eventually leading to further redistribution of the global economic assets, current and fixed, in favor of the largest banks. Thus is being perpetuated the spiral of the global privatization of the world economy and accumulation of its assets in the hands of a few largest bankers.

It is astonishing that a secretive clique of bankers and financiers from a number of nations have made it their goal to use their Financial and Bank Credit Instruments as modern day weapons to procure influence and political power to eventually become the sole owners of economic infrastructure the world over. As to those nations and local communities that effectively oppose their encroachments, financial barons threaten them into obedience invoking the specter of trade wars and sanctions. Those nations that take a more active stand against them, the modern day corporate fascists intimidate and destroy whole nations using more conventional weapons of destruction and national humiliation.

It should come as no surprise that the words “corporate fascists” fits those modern day invaders so well when it comes to the “ugly side” of their enterprise. When nations stand up to protect and defend their national economic identity from the world’s leading bankers, they face the prospect of open military invasion and war. No nation in the world is exempt from the prospect of an armed conflict, should its national leaders actively oppose the ill meant advances by the bankers. The ugly boldness and arrogance on the part of the world’s leading financiers of today has reached such levels that they almost openly utter threats of usurpation and war to the whole world.  Even so that last year, the Forbes’ online edition of 9/10/2011 published the following:
“The ugly side of globalization is when nations and local communities try to escape the vicious cycle of income and employment declines through simultaneous currency devaluations; and by raising trade barriers that in essence put an end to globalization and a beginning to trade wars, as were the case in the 1930s.
“In the last quarter of the century and for the most part of the first decade of this century, the world has seen the good side of globalization. In the last four years, the world has seen the bad side of globalization. We do hope and pray that the world won’t see the ugly side of it.”
Such a bold reference to “trade wars” back in the 1930s is just a mild reminder of what Anglo-American corporate policies at home and in Germany had been triggered by and what it eventually had led to. Given the fact that the article was published by the leading source for financial information, a statement like that sounds nothing short of a threat.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Greece Attacked

The troika – the IMF, the European Union and the European Central Bank - continued their ravaging of the cradle of the Olympic Games and democracy by opening the way to the German bankers’ blitzkrieg against the Greece’s economy. Greece has agreed to cede much of the country's independence which practically turns Greece into an economic and political colony of Germany and its allies. From now on, Berlin will have a say in all economic and political decisions in Greece, from the choice of prime minister to the types of medicines dispensed by pharmacies. The Dutch finance minister, Jan Kees de Jager, has also called for the troika to be given a 'permanent position' within Greece to ensure economic reforms were made. EC commissioner Olli Rehn told the press conference in Brussels the deal included "strengthened monitoring" of Greece's compliance.
The nefarious “economic reforms” aimed at reducing the price of everything in Greece to a level that will make its “privatization” more palatable has sentenced the poor nation to decades of slow stagnation, with its debt-to-GDP ratio predicted to be 160% by 2020.  Meanwhile, Germany and France have already been enjoying the sweet fruits of victory by forcing the Greek government into purchasing German and French made weapon systems and military equipment. In less than a decade, Greece, which has a population of 11 million, has become one of the top five arms importers in the world. Most of the acquired weapons are very expensive sophisticated systems including submarines, tanks and combat aircraft that  were made in Germany, France and the United States.
The arms purchases began before the financial crisis struck in 2009 but even then were beyond Greece's capacity. As a result, when several hundred Leopard battle tanks were bought from Germany there was no money left to pay for their guns’ ammunition. Later, despite her financial situation getting increasingly closer to disastrous, Greece bought 223 howitzers and a submarine from Germany at a cost of $403 million in 2010. Greece has also purchased six frigates from France and became the first buyer in the world to acquire a number of other novel weapons systems, including German submarines that still had some technical glitches in them. But, aside from those technical glitches, the newly purchased equipment has another flaw about them that makes them of very little use to a nation like Greece.
Two previous years of economic and financial butchery by a bunch of much more superior adversaries, in the shape of the IMF, the European Union and the European Central Bank, have turned Greece into a severely wounded cripple. Greece is bleeding right now, both metaphorically and literally speaking. As we read these lines, one of the most ancient nations of Europe is being torn to pieces by her neighbors who are expertly using their wide range of Financial and Bank Credit Instruments, one of the most sophisticated kind of weapon systems to date and the kind of weapons one needs to master well in order to survive in the 21st century.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Love Letter To Earbits' Editors

Beloved Editors,
Before you go sleep,
I'd like to write a letter to
Your consciousness a-deep.

Whoever reads this writ of mine
To you to make you sleep;
I'd like to ask you, Oh Divine!
My bidding, please, do heed!

I know you're working overtime,
To keep Earbits abreast;
You're growing sensitive, you pine
Away without rest.

But, all the hard I train my hand
To aim the arrow's spike,
I cannot find myself a band
That I could give a "Like".

Because the bands are fairly few
At Psy-chill, of all Stations,
I have been forced to reduce
My listener's expectation.

I do not know how long it takes
To add up to rotation;
I beg You, Please, attend, at last,
To before mentioned Station!

May in the night's impervious deep
Under the stars sublime,
Not single soul disturbs your sleep,
Oh Editors Devine!

But once awake, I beg of thee
By Music's sacred waves,
To Electronic's Psy-chill
Proceed to add some raves.

With this conclude I writ of mine
And seal it with my Love;
Be blessed Editors Divine,
Apollo's friends, above!


I had to write another verse
To add
Sincerely, and


Saturday, 18 February 2012

Al-Qaeda is acknowledged as an ally of Britain and America

"So, it’s official. Al-Qaeda is acknowledged as an ally of Britain and America ... to overturn the Syrian government." - (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/9090324/Syrias-crisis-is-leading-us-to-unlikely-bedfellows.html)

The sovereignty of several nations, including, but not confined to, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Tunisia,  Yemen, Egypt, Libya had been brutally violated, leading to countless numbers of innocent deaths and injuries, forced displacements, and sometimes to complete destruction of nationhood, war and chaos. In all of those wars and military conflicts the organization called Al-Qaeda had played its role, its members operating as quasi special operations military units, gorilla fighters, inland subversion operatives, and military instructors. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda, in the form it has been presented to the whole world by the mainstream media, is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. In reality, Al-Qaeda is a broad network of highly mobile mercenary combat units, staffed by highly motivated and indoctrinated Muslim radical extremists. Its strategic and tactical operational control is exercised by the US central military command. Al-Qaeda's informational, financial, and logistic support is provided by the CIA. Al-Qaeda was created in the 1980s under the pretext of opposing the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. Ever since, the US backed Saudi Arabia used its quasi-official charities to provide financial and logistic support to the then fast-growing jihad movement. The money was used to run para-military training camps, located in about twenty countries, purchase weapons, and recruit new members.  Billions of dollars in contracts, grants, and salaries have gone to a broad range of former U.S. officials and CIA agents who had dealt with the Saudis and the leaders of the terrorist groups.
The need of a clandestine mobile military force capable of carrying out inland special operations in a strategically important region, under the shroud of political anonymity, in support of various locally unpopular regimes or against any overt or covert enemies of the US "national" interest in the Middle East and across the Arab World made virtually inevitable, in the eyes of the US strategists, the option of using impoverished radicalized Muslims as a useful tool for some "dirty jobs".
Eventually the monster was created, we now call it Al-Qaeda, that until recently had been led by a person named Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden. The history of that so called Al-Qaeda's leader is a separate story. The decision to create such a supranational terrorist organization coincided with the development of Neoconservatism in America. The Fathers of Neoconservatism, Strauss, Wolfowitz and Kristol, basing their entire theory on "failing liberalism", deduced that the only way was to “invent” good and evil so the country would unite in a common cause — a fabricated War against evil. Used as basic ideological underpinnings, neoconservative ideas made "Global War ON Terror" (GWOT) a logical continuation of the US foreign policies after the end of the "Cold War".
The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice”. They paid Jamal Ahmed Mohamed al-Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-Qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. After the attacks in New York and Washington DC on September 11, 2001, the general purpose of Al-Qaeda as the enemy of global proportions had been served well. The gates to the path of war had been opened. After the GWOT had run its due course, in strict accordance with the US Government's plans, Al-Qaeda was no longer needed as a pretext for NATO member states' consorted efforts. Al-Qaeda's mysterious leader was then allegedly killed in a raid by the US NAVY's SEAL "Team 6" and his body hastily disposed of without proper publicly verified identification. Soon after that, the only witnesses of the operation, the members of the SEAL "Team 6", were mysteriously killed in Afghanistan, when the helicopter was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. 
The role of Al-Qaeda as a pretext, under which the US had unleashed a global all-out warfare against a whole number of sovereign nations, is certainly over. But, its role as a US-sponsored terrorist organization, used for overseas clandestine military operations inside the territories of certain independent nations, has dramatically increased. The recent developments in the situation around Syria has demonstrated that not only Americans will not be able to use their military might on a large scale, as  planned for in case of an open military invasion, but even  special operations by the US CIA and British MI6 operatives or their Armed Forces special operations elite units do not have a chance in a country like Syria. Therefore, the only way for them could be to employ foreign mercenaries who have sufficient experience in covert military operations and guerrilla-style war fighting. Most probably, there is only one such force in the region for the US "dogs of war" to rely on.  Al-Qaeda's strategic planing and operational control, as well as its information and logistic support are provided by the US criminally minded military commanders and political leaders. Its financing is provided by corrupted politicians, psychopathic financiers, misanthropic bankers, and power greedy oligarchs in the United States of America. Thus, every time we hear that another terrorist act was done by Al-Qaeda, it means that another terrorist act was done by the USA. Every single baby that is killed anywhere in the world by Al-Qaeda is killed by the USA. Every single piece of property destroyed anywhere in the world by Al-Qaeda is destroyed by the USA. They fight by proxy, but God knows whose responsibility it is and who initiated those crimes!  The roles of their main accomplices, the UK, France, and Israel, along with a number of Arab states that had erroneously allied themselves with the Atlanticist Imperialists, is no less incriminating. It is notice worthy though that the goals and objectives set by Al-Qaeda leaders, as well as all the damages done by its members to any nation in the world, including Syria, had been set and planned, and payed for by certain Americans who had put themselves above all other people, including the greater part of their fellow Americans, above the Law, above God even. Thereby, the first entity to be looked to, when (or if?) The International Criminal Court (ICC) apprehends and brings to justice the members of the international terrorist organization called or known as Al-Qaeda, it is the Central Intelligence Agency of The United States of America. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

WWIII in 21st Century: European War Theatre

The European System of Central Banks of the EU, have been very successfully strangling the economy of one of the most vulnerable European countries, Greece, into depression. According to their plans, the imposed European depression within the next several decades should create cataclysmic social and economic conditions necessary as coercive pretexts for drastic privatization reforms across the European continent.
The EU’s economic agenda is draped as a part of the Anglo-American Disaster Capitalism Complex. It is a combination of the neo-liberal economic policies—privatization, free trade, slashed social spending— foisted upon the world by the American “Chicago School”. In reality it sums up the shock doctrine policies pursued by the US and UK through various international financial and economic institutions, including World Bank and IMF, aimed at achieving the same objectives that military interventions used to do in the fairly recent European past.
In fulfillment of the Anglo-American financiers’ far reaching plans and strictly as another attack in that economic and financial warfare, the EU has given Greece an ultimatum that if the Greek government wanted to receive the next sum of money which was meant to be used for to pay the Greek debts to the European banks, it should spell out what parts of the Greek public infrastructure it is going to privatize, and do it quickly. Among those objects that are most craved for by the greedy multinational bankers are Greece’s airports, sea ports, water, sewer, transportation, and other public utilities, as well as islands and real estate.
Oligarchic European Union is programmed to austerity and shrinkage.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love Is ...

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” - Aristotle

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two." -  Louis de Bernieres

Sunday, 5 February 2012

To Know God Better

The best way to know God better is to have a loving relationship with God. Just like any relationship is strengthened through communication so your relationship with God strengthens through your communication with God. Reading the Bible and praying are the best thing to do in this regard. Also, the best way to know God perfectly is to become one with God. That means to be willing to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. In order to be perfect you would need to do as God would do in any given situation, that is to do God’s Will at all times. In order to make that happen you need to know first what God’s Will in any given situation is, as well as the general principle God acts upon.
In the Bible, God tells us that Love is the general principle to act upon at all times. God is Love. Therefore, in order to know God better, you need to be Love, because it means to be God. There are different kinds of Love, loving relationships, through which God is made manifest in this world. There is parental Love, there is the Love of children toward their parents, there is brotherly and sisterly Love, there is Love between spouses, there is Love between friends and co-workers, and there is also Love that you have toward Nature, animals and plants, there is Love toward certain kinds of activities of work or leisure, there is Love of Art, Love of Science, Love of Literature, etc.
In order to know God perfectly, you need to do what God would do, out of Love, in any given situation. But, how do you know what our Heavenly Father would do in any particular occasion in your daily life? What is the Will of God in this or that particular situation that you are in at the moment? Where do you find the Will of God revealed to you in your relationship with your parents and grant-parents, your brothers and sisters, your relatives and neighbors, your friends  and soul mates, your classmates and co-workers, and even with strangers in the street? How is God’s Will revealed to you in the way you relate to your daily activities? How do you do the Will of God in your daily life? The answer is simple. The Will of God is revealed to you through the Will of all those people that surround you, that you deal with on a daily basis, that come across your way throughout your life time.
If you want to know God better and do our Heavenly Father’s Will on a daily basis, then you ought to do what people surrounding you are longing to be done. By doing the Will of all the people around you in Love and humility, and meekness of your heart, you will be doing the Will of God, you will be doing what our Heavenly Father wants you to do and what Jesus Christ will thus be doing through you. This is the principle Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, acted upon in this world when he healed and instructed, and raised from the dead, and suffered and allowed himself to be captured and killed, not resisting the Will of our Heavenly Father done unto him through other people around Him, but rather asking that our Heavenly Father’s Will to be done all the way. This is the principle of God’s work and the fulfillment of our Heavenly Father’s Will through us, His children, in this world - in the meekness and humility of our hearts, in Love, to fulfill the needs and wants, and wishes and intentions, and longings and desires of the hearts and minds of all the people that we deal with throughout our lifetimes. The Will of God toward you is the cumulative sum of the needs and wants, and wishes and intentions, and longings and desires of the hearts and minds of your parents and grand-parents, your brothers and sisters, your relatives and neighbors, your friends and soul mates, your classmates and co-workers, and even strangers in the street, like that poor Samaritan man that Jesus Christ was telling about in one of his parables.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Кому выгодно монтировать ролики о нарушениях на парламентских выборах в условиях Третьей мировой войны

Единственно верным критерием при выборе кандидата, за которого Вы собираетесь голосовать, это особенности его информационно-финансового обеспечения и поддержки! Если за тем или иным кандидатом тянется след информационного обеспечения и финансовой поддержки, ведущий к какому-нибудь банковскому счету в США, Великобритании, Франции и т.д., тогда следует принимать меры, направленные на предотвращение влияния международного финансово-олигархического и банковского капитала на внутренние дела нашей страны. В США всем заправляют коррумпированные до мозга костей представители финансово-олигархических и банковских структур, военно-промышленного комплекса, и нефтяного бизнеса. Но особую опасность представляют именно международные организованные преступные финансовые и банковские группировки. Они преступны, потому что действуют внутри своих собственных стран в нарушение или в обход своих же общепринятых законов и экстраполируют свою преступную деятельность на другие страны. Для них подкуп и ложь являются основными методами ведения войны. Причем и первый и второй методы отработаны и отточены многовековой практикой до тонкости, которая может сравниться только с тонкостью настройки фирменных швейцарских часов. Опасность, которую эти негодяи представляют для всего мира в целом и для каждого государства (в том числе России) в отдельности, поначалу даже трудно вообразить. Но достаточно лишь вспомнить, какие преступления против большей части населения страны совершили финансируемые американскими и германскими банкирами Троцкий, Ленин и Свердлов – ярчайшие представители продавшихся иностранному банковскому капиталу политиканов-подстрекателей и заговорщиков. Наивными следует считать надежды на то, что международные преступные финансово-олигархические, банковские структуры, с их многовековым опытом разорения и разрушения других народов, позволят «использовать» себя, чтобы сделать жизнь в России лучше, превратить нашу страну в конкурентоспособное процветающее независимое государство. Любые красивые слова в этом отношении – это ложь, а любые деньги, предложенные для совершения нелицеприятных действий – это подкуп. Это старые, коварные методы разбойников и бандитов, когда они не в состоянии просто прийти и забрать силой то, что им не принадлежит.
Необходимо пресечь любое проникновение международного финансового, банковского и информационного влияния на внутриполитические процессы в стране. Любое информационное и финансовое обеспечение политических или общественных движений, партий и организаций, действующих на территории России, имеющее своим источником круги, близкие к международным финансово-олигархическим и банковским структурам, следует воспринимать как акт агрессии в отношении нашей страны. Это положение касается всех государственных структур, органов власти и национальных институтов, а не только представителей «политической оппозиции». Сохранение национальной государственности – это дело рук самих государственников, которыми теперь является каждый гражданин России. При этом, полагаться придется только на свои силы и способности и лишь отчасти на помощь тех государств, которые сумели отстоять свою государственность и независимость и наравне с нашей страной противостоят натиску надгосударственной международной организованной преступной группировки, возглавляемой отдельными представителями транснационального финансово-олигархического, банковского капитала, который опирается на военную мощь стран НАТО, прежде всего США.  Со стороны этих вооруженных по последнему слову техники бандитов и искусных вымогателей ведется тщательно продуманная, хорошо спланированная беспощадная борьба за власть в масштабе всего мира и речь идет о выживании, в долгосрочной перспективе, целых народов. Третья мировая война идет, если Вы не знали.