Sunday, 5 February 2012

To Know God Better

The best way to know God better is to have a loving relationship with God. Just like any relationship is strengthened through communication so your relationship with God strengthens through your communication with God. Reading the Bible and praying are the best thing to do in this regard. Also, the best way to know God perfectly is to become one with God. That means to be willing to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. In order to be perfect you would need to do as God would do in any given situation, that is to do God’s Will at all times. In order to make that happen you need to know first what God’s Will in any given situation is, as well as the general principle God acts upon.
In the Bible, God tells us that Love is the general principle to act upon at all times. God is Love. Therefore, in order to know God better, you need to be Love, because it means to be God. There are different kinds of Love, loving relationships, through which God is made manifest in this world. There is parental Love, there is the Love of children toward their parents, there is brotherly and sisterly Love, there is Love between spouses, there is Love between friends and co-workers, and there is also Love that you have toward Nature, animals and plants, there is Love toward certain kinds of activities of work or leisure, there is Love of Art, Love of Science, Love of Literature, etc.
In order to know God perfectly, you need to do what God would do, out of Love, in any given situation. But, how do you know what our Heavenly Father would do in any particular occasion in your daily life? What is the Will of God in this or that particular situation that you are in at the moment? Where do you find the Will of God revealed to you in your relationship with your parents and grant-parents, your brothers and sisters, your relatives and neighbors, your friends  and soul mates, your classmates and co-workers, and even with strangers in the street? How is God’s Will revealed to you in the way you relate to your daily activities? How do you do the Will of God in your daily life? The answer is simple. The Will of God is revealed to you through the Will of all those people that surround you, that you deal with on a daily basis, that come across your way throughout your life time.
If you want to know God better and do our Heavenly Father’s Will on a daily basis, then you ought to do what people surrounding you are longing to be done. By doing the Will of all the people around you in Love and humility, and meekness of your heart, you will be doing the Will of God, you will be doing what our Heavenly Father wants you to do and what Jesus Christ will thus be doing through you. This is the principle Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, acted upon in this world when he healed and instructed, and raised from the dead, and suffered and allowed himself to be captured and killed, not resisting the Will of our Heavenly Father done unto him through other people around Him, but rather asking that our Heavenly Father’s Will to be done all the way. This is the principle of God’s work and the fulfillment of our Heavenly Father’s Will through us, His children, in this world - in the meekness and humility of our hearts, in Love, to fulfill the needs and wants, and wishes and intentions, and longings and desires of the hearts and minds of all the people that we deal with throughout our lifetimes. The Will of God toward you is the cumulative sum of the needs and wants, and wishes and intentions, and longings and desires of the hearts and minds of your parents and grand-parents, your brothers and sisters, your relatives and neighbors, your friends and soul mates, your classmates and co-workers, and even strangers in the street, like that poor Samaritan man that Jesus Christ was telling about in one of his parables.

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