Friday, 19 February 2016

Are Dynamic Ad Varieties A Waste Of Your Time?

Are Dynamic Ad Varieties A Waste Of Your Time?

Dynamic Remarketing

- Effectiveness score: 5 out of 5

- Ease of setup: 1 out of 5

Currently, one of the most challenging remarketing features to set up, dynamic remarketing, can connect shoppers with the most relevant products to their shopper history. These ads contain one or multiple products that have been viewed by shoppers or even that complement the shopper’s previous purchase.

Remarketing allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website or used your mobile app. Dynamic remarketing takes this one step further by showing your visitors an ad with the specific product they had previously viewed on your site.

Dynamic remarketing ads saw a nearly 70-percent boost in conversion rate. Combined with the increased CTR, the overall outcome of utilizing this new ad type was a 76-percent decrease in cost per sale...

So why aren’t some people using it? The biggest hindrance, coupled by the greatest value, is the setup. To use dynamic remarketing, the remarketing tag must be adapted to include visitor-specific detail. Google support provides several resources for creating your customized remarketing tag, but it can still be a cumbersome process. They also offer alternative steps, such as GTM, for a slightly simpler implementation.

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