Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Mental Problems Might Lead to Serious Meltdown in Front of TV Cameras

Hillary Clinton’s Mental Problems Might Lead to Serious Meltdown in Front of TV Cameras

This is the most tantalizing aspect of Hillary Clinton’s campaign that can cost her presidency.
Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” even way back in 2011.

People in positions of power and influence can suffer from “decision fatigue” that causes them to be “low on mental energy” and prompts the sufferer to “become reckless” and “act impulsively”.

Hillary Clinton’s won “decision fatigue” could explain why she has been “angry at colleagues,” which is possibly a nod to Clinton’s infamous temper tantrums that have left her staffers in tears.

Secret Service whistleblower told that Hillary has a serious neurological disease. According to one of her campaign’s aids, “Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work.” “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers have slipped by 10 points in one week on the eve of the Democratic debate. Bill Clinton and Hillary’s campaign team are concerned that her anger may surface at the wrong time.

The Democratic capaign staffers are doing their best to try and keep the recent polling numbers consistently in favor of Hillary Clinton in order to stave her imminent nervous breakdowns. They are concerned that she could have a serious meltdown in front of TV cameras, which would make her look so out of control that voters would decide she is not fit or doesn’t have the temperament to be Commander in Chief.

“We’re having some success in giving her some chill pills,” said a campaign adviser.
Hillary Clinton is reported to have her own anger checked to help make her focus on Republicans, not on her campaign aides and fellow Democrats.

“Hillary’s always at her most effective when … she’s mad as hell and isn’t going to take it anymore.”

For much more on Hillary Clinton’s grave health problems and her vascular dementia-related mental disorder, see Edward Klein’s latest book “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary” (Regnery Publishing). Visit

Perhaps this explains why Hillary Clinton has been caught lying again—and this time it’s serious, because she lied to the FBI, which is a federal crime punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.

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