Friday, 30 August 2013

Иудаизм и Православие

У России есть Православие, которое способствует национальному единству. В то же время, можно сказать, что у Православия есть Россия, которая способствует распространению Доброй вести. В единстве и противоборстве этих двух начал заложена сила, которая делает Россию непобедимым конкурентом в борьбе за мировое господство, а Православие – непобедимым вероучением и поистине универсальной мировоззренческой системой ценностей. Главными соперниками России в вопросах имперского развития являются англосаксонская и китайская цивилизации, которые являются носителями своих собственных идеологических установок и систем морально-нравственных ценностей.

Однако у этих трёх цивилизаций имеется соперник в лице отдельной социокультурной общности наднационального характера, маскирующийся под субъекта международной политики, известного как «еврейский народ». Как и представители арабского мира, также лелеющие надежду на мировое господство, у так называемого еврейского народа есть своя «религия», иудаизм. Но, в отличие от арабов, до недавних пор, у евреев не было своей отдельной государственной территории. Впрочем, вопрос о территории остаётся спорным во всех отношениях.

Тем не менее, известно, что евреи мечтают о построении своего глобального еврейского царства. Поскольку исповедующие иудаизм евреи являются нашими естественными соперниками, а с другой стороны – нашими соотечественниками, было бы неплохо ещё раз сравнить наши религии и посмотреть, в чём наши подходы к построению всемирной империи расходятся.

Современный (то есть, раввинистский или талмудический) иудаизм, как известно, является не столько религией, сколько своего рода национальной партийной идеологией еврейского народа, очерчивающей границы своеобразной национальной всееврейской партии, членство в которой является автоматическим для каждого, кто считает себя евреем.

Принадлежность к иудаизму не только облегчает задачу самоопределения евреев как народа, но предоставляет евреям неограниченную свободу в вопросах защиты национальных интересов еврейского народа. Имеющий в своей основе, по сути, антирелигиозный и материалистический взгляд на мир, современный иудаизм не питает ветхозаветных (языческих) иллюзий в вопросах развития общественных отношений как внутри современного еврейского сообщества, так и вне его. При этом, современный иудаизм позволяет использовать последние научные достижения в качестве инструмента манипулирования людьми, используя народные языческие верования и религиозные предрассудки последних. В конечном итоге, это обстоятельство помогает представителям наднациональных правящих классов и сословий манипулировать самими иудеями (в том числе, путём сталкивания между собой сионистов и арабов), используя всех так называемых евреев (иудеев) для достижения своих собственных узко корпоративных и сословных интересов.

Православие, как и равинистский иудаизм, является важным фактором (религиозным и культурологическим) национальной самоидентификации. Но, в отличие от современного иудаизма, Православное Христианство характеризуется верностью своей ортодоксии и использует оставшиеся народные (языческие) верования и предрассудки для поддержания религиозной веры.

Талмудический иудаизм, отрёкшийся своих древних языческих по сути и коммунистических по форме корней, в настоящее время строит свою всемирную еврейскую империю, не подозревая, впрочем, что её наиболее активным строителям главные архитекторы будущего мирового здания уготовили печально известную участь всех рядовых подвижников («масонов», «революционеров»), шагающюх в первых рядах наиболее прогрессивных в тот или иной исторический отрезок времени движений, партий и прочих социальных образований.

Имперские амбиции авторов этого стратегического плана основаны на уверенности, что им удастся мобилизовать и использовать численное преимущество так называемых евреев, которых ставят в авангарде строительства будущей мировой империи. Заправлять в будущем мировом порядке, конечно, будут не евреи как таковые, а те, кому уже сейчас принадлежат богатства большей части мира. Иудаизм (еврейство в широком смысле) – это своего рода печать зверя, носитель которой свидетельствует о своей готовности выполнять приказы своего невидимого господина, не задавая лишних вопросов и действовать, руководствуясь изначально (явно или тайно) враждебно настроенными этическими установками по отношению к своему социальному окружению (даже еврейскому), не задаваясь никакими отвлечёнными моральными вопросами религиозного свойства. При этом, невидимым господином может оказаться вовсе не еврей, а разница между рядовым евреем и не евреем окажется весьма эфемерной.

Исходя из основного посыла, что любая, то есть вся, территория земного шара принадлежит евреям и является, по сути, их родиной, авторы этого глобального имперского проекта таким образом реализуют фактор географический, необходимый для развития имперской динамики. Кроме того, всячески способствуя постоянному пополнению рядов так называемого еврейского народа, в том числе, за счёт новообращённых иудеев, строители глобальной империи пытаются реализовать демографический фактор, являющийся необходимым условием для поддержания имперской динамики в глобальном масштабе. В сочетании с бурным развитием глобальной рыночной экономики и мировой финансовой системы, которые в настоящее время находятся под контролем этих архитекторов, географический и демографический факторы становятся необходимым дополнительным условием развития глобальной империи, во главе которой стоят так называемые глобальные элиты, главной религией которых является, конечно не иудаизм, печально известный нарочито популистской исключительностью своих адептов, а собственное исключительное финансово-экономическое положение представителей соответствующих исторически сложившихся сословий и классов.

Россия, в силу своего исключительного географического положения и демографического потенциала, в случае благоприятной финансово-экономической обстановки, неизбежно развивается как империя. Россия обладает глобальным имперским потенциалом, становясь естественным конкурентом англосаксонской цивилизации и цивилизации китайской, которые также являются естественными претендентами на звание глобальной империи.

Таким образом, развитие в России тесных отношений между органами государственной власти и церковью, в том числе в сторону увеличения числа священнослужителей и епископов новой формации, в конечном итоге, несмотря на неизбежные проблемы, способствует естественному нормальному развитию всего общества. Поскольку это развитие во всех отношениях носит характер расширения сферы влияния и имеет естественную тенденцию к глобальному доминированию, гибкое сочетание государственных (имперских) методов регулирования и церковных, то есть христианских (православных), способов решения проблем позволит России возродиться в качестве империи.

Возрождение России носит также духовный (религиозный) характер. В отличие от иудаизма еврейского народа, Православие в России не может быть само по себе имперским, поскольку это противоречит Духу Христову. В то же время, Россия немыслима без Православия и не возможна без собственной имперской динамики в международных отношениях. Единство этих трёх начал – российского национализма, православного христианства и имперской государственности – является результатом естественного исторического развития общественных отношений на данной географической территории и источником жизненных сил России. Это единство служит на благо всему российскому и православному народу.

В отличие от Православия Российской Империи, иудаизм и сионизм еврейского народа служат не евреям, а кучке богачей, разыгрывающих еврейскую и сионистскую карты в борьбе за мировое господство. Сами евреи этим наднациональным силам, вовлечённым в борьбу за власть, не нужны. История неоднократно, начиная с ветхозаветных времён, демонстрировала, что в борьбе за власть эти предавшие свои духовные корни (в том числе, иудейские) люди, не привязанные ни к какой национальной, этнической или религиозной почве, не раз предавали своих бывших братьев по вере, рисковали благополучием и даже жизнью тысяч и миллионов евреев наравне с представителями других национальностей и вероисповеданий.

С точки зрения духовного авторитета современный иудаизм не идёт ни в какое сравнение ни с Православием, ни даже с западным гуманизмом. В духовном плане Православное Христианство представляет собой гораздо более цельное и крупное образование, чем мелочные и лицемерные идеологемы современного гуманизма. Поэтому, хочется надеяться, что дальнейшее гармоничное развитие российской имперской государственности, российского национализма и православного христианства приведут в Русскую Православную Церковь всё большее количество верующих, церковнослужителей и епископов, в том числе, получивших опыт учёбы и служения в Европе.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Arc of Crisis

There is an area in the Middle East called Fertile Crescent, which looks like an oasis amid the Arab deserts. If nations were flowers, Syria would be the most dignified and beautiful one in that oasis.

Now, that Syria is in the crosshairs of the world’s leading superpowers, it would be interesting to look briefly into the history of that nation and see why it has become the center of attention of such countries as Great Britain, France, the United States of America, and Russia. However, Syria is not alone in the spotlight. There are nations in the Middle East that have long been cultivated and harvested by the global superpowers. Something about that region makes it an object of heightened attention on the part of other nations. In addition, something about it warrants a more careful handling than what we have been witnessing so far.

The Fertile Crescent is a term referred to a roughly crescent-shaped area situated between the Arabian Desert to the south and the mountains of Armenia to the north, it extends from Babylonia and adjacent Susiana (the southwestern province of Persia) up the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to Assyria. From the Zagros Mountains east of Assyria it continues westward over Syria to the Mediterranean and extends southward to southern Palestine. The Nile valley of Egypt is often included as a further extension, the short interruption in Sinai Peninsular is no greater than similar desert breaks that disturb its continuity in Mesopotamia and Syria. The Fertile Crescent term owes its origin to the relatively fertile land of that area which probably had a more moderate, agriculturally productive climate in the past than today, especially in Mesopotamia and the Nile valley.

The Fertile Crescent in its wider extension corresponds exactly to the region that plays a dominant role in the Hebrew traditions of Genesis. It also contains the ancient countries (Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Phoenicia) from which the Greeks and Romans derived their civilization. The age-old belief that the earliest known culture originated in the Fertile Crescent has been confirmed by the development of radiocarbon dating since 1948. It is now known that incipient agriculture and village agglomerations there must be dated back to about 10000 BCE.
These days, the Fertile Crescent geographically is usually referred to as the Middle East. The quarter-moon shaped area runs from the Persian Gulf, through modern-day southern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and northern Egypt.

The term Fertile Crescent was first coined in the early 20th century by University of Chicago archaeologist and Egyptologist James Henry Breasted. In his work “Ancient Times: A History of the Early World”, James Henry Breasted wrote: “This fertile crescent is approximately a semicircle, with the open side toward the south, having the west end at the southeast corner of the Mediterranean, the center directly north of Arabia, and the east end at the north end of the Persian Gulf.”

The Fertile Crescent is traditionally associated (in Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths) with the earthly location of the Garden of Eden. Known as the Cradle of Civilization, the Fertile Crescent is regarded as the birthplace of agriculture, urbanization, writing, trade, science, history and organized religion and was first populated about 10000 BCE when agriculture and the domestication of animals began in the region.

By 9000 BCE the cultivation of wild grains and cereals was wide-spread and, by 5000 BCE, irrigation of agricultural crops was fully developed.

By 4500 BCE the cultivation of wool-bearing sheep was practiced widely. The first cities began to rise (Eridu, Uruk) around 4300 BCE and cultivation of wheat and grains was practiced in addition to the further domestication of animals (by the year 3500 BCE the image of the breed of dog known as the Saluki was appearing regularly on vases and other ceramics as well as wall paintings).

The unusually fertile soil of the region encouraged the further cultivation of wheat as well as rye, barley and legumes and some of the earliest beer in the world was brewed in the great cities along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (the most ancient evidence of beer brewing coming from the Sumerian Godin Tepe settlement in modern-day Iran). From 3400 BC, the priests (who were also the rulers of the cities) were responsible for the distribution of food and the careful monitoring of surplus for trade.

By 2300 BCE, soap was produced from tallow and ash and was in wide use as personal hygiene was valued in relation to one’s standing with one’s community and with the gods. Attention to one’s person in terms of hygiene was stressed in that human beings were thought to have been created as helpmates to the gods and so should make themselves utterly presentable in the performance of their duties (this was especially so for the Priestly Class).

From 2334 - 2279 BCE Sargon of Akkad (Sargon the Great) ruled over the first multi-cultural empire in Mesopotamia, allowing for the growth of great building projects, artworks and religious literature (such as the hymns to Inanna by Sargon’s daughter, Enheduanna). By 2000 BCE, Babylon controlled the Fertile Crescent and the region saw advances in law (Hammurabi’s famous code), literature (The Epic of Gilgamesh, among other works), religion (the development of the Babylonian pantheon of the gods), science, and math.

From 1900-1400 BCE trade with Europe, Egypt, Phoenicia and the Indian subcontinent was flourishing. Then began the spread of literacy, culture and religion to these regions. It is speculated that it was in either 1900 or 1700 that the Biblical patriarch Abraham left his native city of Ur for the 'promised land’, carrying the tales and legends of Mesopotamia with him which would in time appear, transformed, as Biblical narratives.

The Fertile Crescent region changed hands many times through the ages. By 600 BCE the Assyrians controlled the Fertile Crescent and, by 580, the Neo-Babylonian Chaldean Empire under Nebuchadnezzar II ruled the region. In 539 BCE Babylon fell to the Cyrus the Great after the Battle of Opis and the lands fell under the control of the Achaemenid Empire (also known as The First Persian Empire). Alexander the Great invaded the area in 334 BCE and, after him, it was ruled by the Parthians until the coming of Rome in 116 CE. After the short-lived Roman annexation and occupation, the region was conquered by the Sassanid Persians (c. 226 CE) and, finally, by the Arabian Muslims in the 7th century CE.

By this time the glorious achievements of the early cities which grew up beside the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers had long been disseminated throughout the ancient world but the cities themselves were mostly in ruins through the destruction caused by the many military conquests in the region as well as natural causes such as earthquakes and fire. Rampant urbanization and the overuse of the land also resulted in the decline and eventual abandonment of the cities of the Fertile Crescent.

For instance, the city of Eridu, considered by the early Mesopotamians to be the first city on earth, built and inhabited by the “gods”, had been abandoned since 600 BCE. The city of Uruk was abandoned since 200 CE and Babylon, the city, which gave writing, law and culture to the world, became a ruin.

The National Geographic News reported in 2001 that the Fertile Crescent area was rapidly becoming such only in name. Due to extensive damming of the rivers as well as a massive draining works program initiated in southern Iraq from the 1970’s on, the fertile marshlands which once covered 15,000 – 20,000 square kilometers (5,800 – 7,700 square miles) had shrunk to a mere 1,500 – 2,000 square kilometers (580 – 770 square miles). The region, which once was the lush paradise and cradle of civilization, these days largely consists of dry, cracked plains of sunbaked clay.

This region, alongside Mesopotamia (which lies to the east of the Fertile Crescent, between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates), also saw the emergence of early complex societies during the succeeding Bronze Age. There is also early evidence from the region for writing and the formation of state level societies.

Since the Bronze Age, the region's natural fertility has been greatly extended by irrigation works, upon which much of its agricultural production continues to depend. The last two millennia have seen repeated cycles of decline and recovery as past works have fallen into disrepair through the replacement of states and political turmoil. Another ongoing problem has been salination - gradual concentration of salt and other minerals in soils with a long history of irrigation.

Thus, river waters remain a potential source of friction in the region. The Jordan River lies on the borders of Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan and areas administered by the Palestinian Authority. Turkey and Syria each control about a quarter of the river Euphrates, on whose lower reaches Iraq is heavily dependent.

However, since the beginning of heavy industrial development in Europe, North America, and Russia and ever-increasing use of fossil fuels, including natural gas and oil, as well as various precious and rare earth elements, the title of Fertile Crescent of that region has gleaned a new meaning. This has become especially relevant to international geopolitics and diplomatic relations of the recent centuries as the world’s most powerful Empires of Great Britain, Germany, Russia, and Ottoman Turks began their Great Game of strategic rivalry and conflict for supremacy in Central Asia a few hundred years ago.

The most dramatic part of that Game ended up erupting into World War I, which eventually led to disintegration and demise of the Deutsches Reich, Russian Empire, and Ottoman Empire. The latter was disassembled into a handful of smaller Arab states under the mandate or rule of Great Britain and its Allies. Today, the rulers of that belligerent region are the UK, the US, and France. The French had taken most active part alongside their British counterparts in destruction of the Ottoman Empire back in 1914 – 1919 and subsequent subdivision of that territory into a number of seemingly independent states, including Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.

All newly created states were under direct British rule initially but later were given their own kings, which had been picked by the British Intelligence. Nevertheless, the rule of the British, and later on American, intelligence officers did not remain unchallenged as Soviet Russia emerged in place of the former Russian Empire and successfully continued its part in the Great Game in the Middle East. Because of that global standoff between the Anglo-American stalwarts of “democracy” and Russian attempts at gaining foothold in the region, Iran and Syria became largely a no man’s land, as both nations strove to keep their independence by playing off the differences of the rivaling Cold War era superpowers around them.

Syria’s position has been more precarious than that of Iran, though. Unlike Iran, Syria had been part of the Ottoman Empire before the Allies dismantled the latter. Despite that, Syrian nationalism holds that the region presently occupied by a number of Arab states, which were created at the behest of the British Foreign Office in 1922, is to be referred to as the Syrian Fertile Crescent.

Syrian nationalists do view the whole of the Fertile Crescent as the potential playing ground for their own imperial ambitions akin to the political aspirations of the rulers of the ancient Assyrian Empire. The latter was a Semitic Akkadian kingdom, which existed as a nation state from the late 25th or early 24th century BCE until 605 BCE. The Syrian Fertile Crescent occupies the area of the Fertile Crescent at its maximum extent.

Antun Saadeh (1 March 1904 - 8 July 1949), a Lebanese Syrian nationalist philosopher, writer, politician, and founder of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, claimed that Syria has distinct natural boundaries. Notably, Saadeh rejected Arab Nationalism (the idea that the speakers of the Arabic language should form a single, unified nation), and argued instead for the creation of the state of United Syrian Nation or Natural Syria. Natural Syria would encompass the whole of the Fertile Crescent. According to Antun Saadeh , Syrian homeland "extends from the Taurus range in the northwest and the Zagros mountains in the northeast to the Suez Canal and the Red Sea in the south and includes the Sinai peninsula and the Gulf of Aqaba, and from the Syrian Sea in the west, including the island of Cyprus, to the arch of the Arabian Desert and the Persian Gulf in the east."

Saadeh rejected both language and religion as defining characteristics of a nation, and instead argued that nations develop through the common development of a people inhabiting a specific geographical region. He was thus a strong opponent of both Arab nationalism and Pan-Islamism. He argued that Syria was historically, culturally, and geographically distinct from the rest of the Arab world, which he divided into four parts. He traced Syrian history as a distinct entity back to the Phoenicians, Canaanites, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Antun Saadeh also argued that Syrianism transcended religious distinctions.

Syria traces its identity back to the Assyria, which was a Mesopotamian empire that grew out of the city-state of Ashur. It was one of the greatest empires in Mesopotamia, together with the Akkadian Empire of Sargon the Great and the Babylonian Empire under Hammurabi. At its height, the Assyrian Empire extended from Anatolia in the west, to Armenia in the north, to Media in the east, and to Egypt in the south.

During the periods of imperial decline Assyrian kings appear to have adopted a policy of maintaining and defending a compact, secure nation and satellite colonies immediately surrounding it, and interspersed this with sporadic punitive raids and invasions of neighboring territories when the need arose.

Perhaps, of all other Assyrian kings, Ashur-Dan II, who reigned from 935 BCE until his death in 912 BCE, should be viewed as an example of a national leader, steering the Assyrian Empire to recovery. He is recorded to have made successful punitive raids outside the borders of Assyria to clear other tribal peoples from the regions surrounding Assyria in all directions. He concentrated on rebuilding Assyria within its natural borders, he built government offices in all provinces, and created a major economic boost by providing ploughs throughout the land, which yielded record grain production.

The real glory of ancient Syria truly belongs to the period of expansion of 911 -  627 BCE, though. When the ancient Dark Ages (1200 - 900 BCE) were finally over, the world had changed dramatically. There were several remaining ancient kingdoms - Assyria, Babylonia, Elam, and Egypt. The Hittites endured in the form of smaller Neo-Hittite states. A number of new states had arisen during that tumultuous time period, including Persia, Media, Parthia, Mannea, Israel, Urartu, Phrygia, Lydia, Chaldea, the Aramean and Phoenician states of the Levant, Doric Greece, Putria (Libya), Colchia, Tabal, Nubia/Kush.

However, it was the ancient state of Assyria which rose to prominence and dominated the ancient world over the following three centuries. Beginning with the campaigns of Adad-nirari II (911-892 BCE), Assyria once more became a great power, growing to be the greatest empire the world had yet seen. The new king firmly subjugated the areas that were previously only under nominal Assyrian vassalage, conquering and deporting troublesome Aramean, Neo-Hittite and Hurrian populations in the north to far-off places. Adad-nirari II then twice attacked and defeated Babylonia, annexing a large area of land north of the Diyala River and a number of towns in mid-Mesopotamia.

Assyria then appeared stronger than ever. However, the long struggle with Babylonia and Elam and their allies, and the constant campaigning over three centuries to control and expand its vast empire in all directions, left Assyria exhausted. It had been drained of wealth and work force. The devastated provinces could yield nothing to supply the needs of the imperial exchequer, it was difficult to find sufficient troops to garrison the huge empire, and after the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 BCE severe civil unrest broke out in Assyria itself, and the empire began to unravel. In 605 BCE, the Babylonians and Medes defeated the Assyrians and their Egyptian allies at Carchemish, bringing an end to Assyria as an independent political entity.

Assyria remained a vital geopolitical entity as a colonized province until the late 7th century CE. Most of Assyria was ruled by Babylon from 605 BCE until 539 BCE. After that, the Persian Achaemenid Empire (as Athura) ruled it from 549 BCE to 330 BCE. Between 546 and 545 BCE, Assyria rebelled against the new Persian Dynasty. Cyrus the Great eventually quashed the rebellion.

In 330 BCE, Assyria fell to Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Emperor from Greece. Thereafter it became part of the Seleucid Empire and was renamed Syria (Greek corruption of Assyria). The Seleucids applied the name not only to Assyria itself, but also to the lands to the west, which had been part of the Assyrian Empire. When they lost control of Assyria, the name Syria survived and was applied only to the land of Aramea to the west that had once been part of the Assyrian empire. This was to lead to both the Assyrians from Mesopotamia and Arameans from the Levant being dubbed Syrians in Greco-Roman culture.

By 150 BCE, Assyria was under the control of the Parthian Empire as Athura (the Parthian word for Assyria) where the Assyrian city of Assur seems to have gained a degree of autonomy, and temples to the native gods of Assyria were resurrected. A number of independent Neo-Assyrian states arose, namely Adiabene, Osroene and Hatra.

In 116 CE, under Trajan, Syria was taken over by Rome as the Roman Province of Assyria. The Assyrians began to convert to Christianity during the period between the early 1st and 3rd centuries CE. Romans and Parthians fought over Assyria and the rest of Mesopotamia until 226 CE, when it was taken over by the Sassanid (Persian) Empire.

It was known as Asuristan during this period, and became a center of the Church of the East (now the Assyrian Church of the East), with a flourishing Syriac (Assyrian) Christian culture which exists there to this day. The city of Ashur again flourished, and appears to have gained a great deal of autonomy during this period. Speculatively, Assyria may even have once again been independent for a while prior to being sacked by Shapur I the Great, the second King of the Sassanid Empire, in 256 CE. Temples were still being dedicated to the national god Ashur in his home city and in Harran during the 4th century, indicating an Assyrian identity was still strong.

After the Arab Islamic conquest in the 7th century, Assyria was dissolved as an entity. Under Arab rule, Mesopotamia as a whole underwent a gradual process of Arabisation and Islamification, and the region saw a large influx of non indigenous Arabs, Kurds, and later Turkic peoples. However, the indigenous Assyrian population of northern Mesopotamia (known as Ashuriyun by the Arabs) resisted this process, retaining their language, religion, culture and identity.

Assyrians are a distinct ethnic group whose origins lie in ancient Mesopotamia. They trace their ancestry back to the Sumero-Akkadian civilization that emerged in Mesopotamia about 4000–3500 BCE, and in particular to the northern region of the Akkadian lands, which would become known as Assyria by the 24th century BCE. The Assyrian nation existed as an independent state, and often a powerful empire, from the 24th century BCE until the end of the 7th century BCE. Assyria remained a geopolitical entity after its fall, and was ruled as an occupied province under the rule of various empires from the late 7th century BCE until the mid-7th century CE when it was dissolved, and the Assyrian people have gradually become a minority in their homelands since that time.

Today that ancient territory is part of several nations: the north of Iraq, part of southeast Turkey and northeast Syria. They are indigenous to, and have traditionally lived all over what is now Iraq, northeast Syria, northwest Iran, and southeastern Turkey. They are a Christian people, with most following various Eastern Rite Churches, although many are non-religious. Although culturally similar, Assyrians are distinct linguistically, genetically and for the most part geographically from the Syrian Christians of Syria (except the northeast) and Lebanon.

Assyrian people, retaining the Aramaic language and Church of the East Christianity, remained dominant in the north as late as the 11th and 12th centuries. The city of Ashur was still occupied by Assyrians during the Islamic period until the 14th century when Turko-Mongol ruler Tamerlane (9 April 1336 – 18 February 1405) invaded Syria, sacked Aleppo and captured Damascus, and massacred indigenous Assyrian Christians in 1399. The massacres massively reduced the Assyrian population throughout Mesopotamia.

Thus far, the only people who have a high level of genetic, historical, linguistic and cultural probability to be the descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians are the Assyrian Christians of Iraq and its surrounding areas in northwest Iran, as well as northeast Syria and southeastern Turkey. Assyria continued to exist as a geopolitical entity until the Arab-Islamic conquest in the mid-7th century, and Assyrian identity, personal names and both spoken and written evolutions of Mesopotamian Aramaic (which still contains many Akkadian loanwords) have survived among the Assyrian people from ancient times to this day.

In 1516, the Ottoman Empire invaded the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, conquering Syria, and incorporating it into its empire. The Ottoman system was not burdensome to Syrians because the Turks respected Arabic as the language of the Koran. Damascus was made the major stopping point on the route to Mecca, and as such, it acquired a holy character to Muslims. 
Ottoman administration followed a unique system that lead to a peaceful coexistence for centuries. Each religious minority - Shia Muslim, Greek Orthodox, Maronite, Armenian, and Jewish - constituted a separate community. The religious heads of each community administered their laws and performed certain civil functions.

After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Syria was under the French mandate in lieu with the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. In 1941, when the British and Free French occupied the country the mandate was effectively ended. Continuing pressure from Syrian nationalists and the British forced the French to evacuate their troops in April 1946, leaving the country in the hands of a republican government that had been formed during the mandate.

Soviet Russia helped Syrian nationalists to propel the nation toward the creation of a United Arab Republic with Egypt. Behind that idea was a Syrian nationalist concept of United Syrian Nation or Natural Syria, and the Syrian Fertile Crescent. Possible creation of such a nation state, engulfing all the nations of the Fertile Crescent, from Egypt to Iraq to Syria, would dramatically change the geopolitical situation in the region and severely undermine the position of the Brits and Americans there.

Carried out with the assistance of Russia, creating such a United Arab Republic would be a nightmarish event to the UK and US. In addition to Iran – a staunch ally of Russia – coming into existence of such a United Syrian Nation, potentially the size of the whole of the Fertile Crescent would also be a devastating geostrategic blow to the Anglo-American imperialist policies in the region.

The diffusion of political power in the world after 1957 has led to the rise of regional powers and conflicts with distant and not so obvious connections to the main rivalries of the Cold War blocs. Multinational political and economic pressure groups and various revolutionary, terrorist, or religious movements began to operate across national boundaries (“non-state actors”). Such diffusion of power was brought about by the Allies (the UK, France, and US) in order to prevent the Soviet Union from turning the divided Arab states of the Fertile Crescent into a solid political entity, spanning across that ancient region, commonly opposed to the divisive influences of the West. That is why the US has been so actively involved in the Middle East and Central Asia, eventually turning the Fertile Crescent area into what Zbigniew Brzezinski, in 1978, called the “arc of crisis”.

The “arc of crisis” has been defined as an area stretching from the Indian subcontinent in the east to the Horn of Africa in the west. The Middle East constitutes its central core. Its strategic position is unequalled: it was the last major region of the so called Free World directly adjacent to the Soviet Union. As it is known, the region holds in its subsoil about three-fourths of the proven and estimated world oil reserves. It is the focus of what has turned into the most intractable conflict of the twentieth century: that of Zionism versus Arab nationalism. National, economic and territorial conflicts in the region are aggravated by the intrusion of religious passions in an area which was the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Pitching Jews against the Arabs in that region was not for nothing. The Fertile Crescent became the “arc of crisis” again because its conflicts there are rooted in strategic rivalry between several natural super nations, which have intrinsic global imperial dynamics: the United Kingdom (as closely allied with other members of the Commonwealth and NATO member-states, especially the United States of America), Russia, and China. All three have vast geographic territories, large populations with relatively positive demographics, and favorable economic and political dynamics that means their spheres of influence are bound to expand.

Super nations with global imperial potential always try to contain regional powers preventing them from growing too fast too much. Moreover, it is expedient to keep other countries as small as possible to curb expenditures of their containment as regional power states with a rich history of imperial experience will always try to regain regional dominance and consequently become allies of one of the global superpowers thus exacerbating the problem of ever-growing competition to all the others. Iran, for instance, as well as India, is a nation with regional imperial potential. Historically, Syria is a regional superpower, too.

The only way Syria could become a true regional superpower is by becoming Greater Syria, or Natural Syria. However, since Syria would never be able to achieve such a goal on its own, it must use assistance from one of the global superpowers. In this case, it is Russia, which has already been allied with Iran and Syria for quite a while and uses them to expand its influence in the region. Greater Syria, as well as greater Iran, inevitably means greater Russia as a natural global imperialist competitor. Therefore, neither the UK/US, nor China, would ever allow Greater Syria become a reality.

Besides, the UK/US party already views Syria as their lawful booty, which they had previously failed to exploit more properly shortly after the destruction of the Ottoman Empire and later on. This time they are eager to bring Syrian territories firmly under their allied control. From their point of view, Syria is an integral part of the Fertile Crescent, but it can only be so if the whole region remains the “arc of crisis”. It is supposed to be manipulated as one permanent crisis area that spans the Middle East and Central Asia, where the small Arab states, as well as “non-state” actors (i.e. multinational interest and pressure groups, international terrorists dubbed as revolutionaries, fundamentalist religious movements, etc.) are continuously pitched against each other from abroad by their Anglo-Saxon overlords. Moreover, as the imperial ambitions of the West continue to expand, the “arc of crisis” is bound to expand into a “Greater Middle East”. This is how earlier Russia’s aspirations to reinstall Greater Syria have been thwarted by the UK/US putting forward their Greater Middle East project that prospectively covers all of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

Thus, the Fertile Crescent will provide fertile ground for wars and conflicts rather than agriculture there, in the near future. Syria remains the centerpiece of this Middle Eastern puzzle and another pavestone on the way into what Halford Mackinder (15 February 1861 – 6 March 1947) called the Pivot Area (Heartland) of the World-Island. Therefore, that former Assyrian territory will hardly be left alone by the current global superpowers. Economically and geopolitically, the Fertile Crescent has become too precious for all the superpowers involved in the Great Game to let its flowers grow wildly, the way they did for millennia before.

Monday, 26 August 2013


Инквизицию Римской Католической Церкви следовало бы рассматривать исключительно как церковное судебное дознание, заменив ставший нарицательным термин на технически нейтральный, который обозначал бы отдельную функцию РКЦ, действовавшей в определённый период, помимо всего прочего, в качестве полноправного правоохранительного органа того или иного государства.

Во времена «инквизиции» в европейском обществе ещё не существовало отдельного «министерства внутренних дел» и «полиции» в том виде, в каком мы привыкли видеть современные нам органы обеспечения правопорядка и законности. Поэтому, в ходе развития общественных отношений принципиально на базе христианских ценностей и морально-этических норм, представителем и защитником которых являлась РКЦ, последняя в определённый момент также приняла на себя роль органа охраны общественного порядка, в том числе, для того, чтобы предотвращать случаи самосуда и народного линчевания, которые часто имели место в отношении “колдунов” и “ведьм”.

Подобные церковные судебные дознания начались, скорее всего, в 11-12 веках и продолжались до 18 века. Сейчас мы понимаем, что со стороны церкви это не был какой-то геноцид народа под видом законности. Католическая церковь добросовестно выполняла свой долг защитника христианских ценностей и законности и делала это в соответствии с судебными и процессуальными нормами того времени. По мере того, как изменялись представления общества о нормах процессуального права, изменялось церковное судопроизводство. В конце концов на смену церковного судопроизводства в стремительно секуляризующееся европейское общество пришло судопроизводство гражданское.

Вскоре после начала в 1820 году в Португалии “Либеральной революции” церковное дознание - “инквизиция” - там была отменена. Испанская инквизиция сохранялась до 1834 года. В Риме же орган церковного судопроизводства, основанный в 1454 году Папой Павлом III, существует до сих пор, только под другим названием. Сейчас этот орган называется Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, возглавляет его (с 9 июля 2008 года) Архиепископ Luis Ladaria Ferrer.

Отец гуманизма Петрарка под видом восстановления библейского христианства был одним из первых, кто использовал термин “тёмные века”. В период церковной “реформации” 16 -17 веков и в эпоху “просвещения” 17 -18 веков “гуманисты” и “революционеры” всех мастей изображали предшествовавшие им времена в нарочито мрачных красках. Того требовала политкорректность того времени, когда было модно обвинять церковь во всех недостатках и пороках общества.

Термин “тёмные века” появился в 17 веке и первоначально относился к периоду непосредственно предшествовавшему эпохе революционных событий, когда трагические общественно-политические потрясения, связанные с движением реформации, впервые заставили французов с ностальгией вспоминать “сладость бытия” дореволюционной Франции.

Позже, в эпоху Романтизма 18-19 веков, когда Средние века начали восприниматься романтически (“готика”, “рыцарство” и т.д.), понятие “тёмные века” сместилось на более ранний период европейской истории - с 5 по 9 века. Поскольку с “тёмными веками” ассоциировались многие нехорошие вещи, которые церковь творила, пользуясь своей властью, то «инквизиция» также относилась к этой эпохе. В результате - “плавающие” “темные века” привели к тому, что в 20 веке никто, кажется, точно уже не знал, когда именно в Европе “горели костры инквизиции”. Главное, что - “горели”!

Поэтому, несмотря на то, что церковная судебная система, деятельность которой на определённом этапе “гуманисты”, церковные “реформаторы”, “просветители” и “революционеры” всех мастей изображали как произвол «инквизиции», скорее всего, существовала с раннего периода Средних веков и фактически существует сегодня, в настоящее время наиболее распространена статистика, касающаяся деятельности церковных судов (“инквизиции”) в период с 15-16 по 18 века.

Так, по мнению испанского историка García Cárcel, общее количество дел судопроизводства католической инквизиции с 1560 по 1700 года составило, примерно, 150 000, из которых 2% - это смертные приговоры. Считается, что всего в результате деятельности инквизиции было казнено от 3000 до 5000 человек.

Впрочем, вопрос церковного судопроизводства в РКЦ - это отдельная история. Гораздо интереснее рассматривать историю Реформации и связанные с ней общественно-политические процессы, в том числе войны и революции, захватившие европейский континент с 16-17 веков. В конце концов, именно движению церковной реформации и последовавшим вслед за этим различным событиям революционного характера (в науке, технике, искусстве, политике) мы обязаны нашим искажённым представлением о церковной инквизиции, об истории христианской церкви в Европе и даже всей европейской истории.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Турниры теней

Большая игра - соперничество между Великобританией и Россией за господство в Центральной Азии - продолжалась в течение всего двадцатого века. Несмотря на изменившееся название и характер государственного устройства, Россия по-прежнему играла роль главного соперника Великобритании на Ближнем Востоке и в Центральной Азии. Для таких крупных геополитических субъектов международных отношений, как Соединенное Королевство и Россия, расширение своих интересов на территории Центральной Азии и Ближнего Востока является естественным процессом.

Любое государство с имперскими тенденциями развития, в том числе, например, такие страны, как в свое время Германия, Франция и Соединенные Штаты Америки, рано или поздно приходит к необходимости освоения этого региона. Именно поэтому несколько столетий назад Британская империя начала колонизацию этих территорий и до сих пор продолжает делать все возможное, чтобы устранить конкурентов в этом отношении, рассматривая свою политику на Ближнем Востоке и в Центральной Азии с точки зрения своего естественного права борьбы за жизненное пространство наравне с остальными игроками, которые проявляют такие же имперские тенденции.

Независимость, процветание и развитие государства зависит от наличия и постоянного расширения доступа к природным ресурсам, в том числе энергоносителям (уголь, нефть, газ, уран). Территории Ближнего Востока и Центральной Азии – это жемчужина мировых залежей полезных ископаемых. Но Иран, наравне с Египтом, в этом отношении занимает особое положение.

В отличие от остальных стран этого обширного региона (Ирак, Сирия, Иордан, Саудовская Аравия, Леван, Палестина, Йемен), за исключением Афганистана, Пакистана и Индии, Иран до разделения (с 30 октября 1918 г. по 1 ноября 1922 г.) бывшей Оттоманской империи на отдельные страны, представлял собой независимое государство, которое на протяжении длительного времени довольно успешно отстаивало свою независимость как от турецких, так и английских и российских имперских происков в регионе.

Наиболее успешным игроком в борьбе за контроль над этими территориями оказалась Британская империя, которой удалось, развязав Первую мировую войну, в которую затем были вовлечены империи-соперники Великобритании, положить конец самому существованию таких крупных игроков с имперскими замашками как Германия (Deutsches Reich), Российская империя и Оттоманская империя. В той или иной степени, в результате этой гениальной авантюры, с 1916 по 1922 годы удалось фактически изнутри разрушить государственную инфраструктуру одновременно трех главнейших геополитических противников Британской империи, расчленив территорию этих империй на отдельные независимые маленькие страны, подконтрольные британскому военно-политическому руководству.

Конечно, жизнь вносила свои коррективы и не всё у англичан получилась так, как было задумано с самого начала, но главный приз, в виде россыпи маленьких независимых арабских государств, сформированных британским внешнеполитическим ведомством на месте бывшей Оттоманской империи, они получили. Саудовская Аравия, Сирия, Иордан, Ирак, Леван, Палестина, Йемен были созданы англичанами фактически на пустом месте, если под пустым местом понимать конструктивные усилия и последовательные согласованные устремления арабских племён, направленные на совместное государственное строительство.

Хитростью, подкупом и обманом британским политикам и военным удалось заполучить эти территории под свой контроль, разделив их на маленькие арабские королевства, поставив в каждом короля, наиболее лояльного по отношению к англичанам и наименее конфликтного по отношению к местному населению. Как писала Гертруда Белл (Gertrude Bell), «Никто не знает точно, чего они действительно хотят и что им нужно, меньше всего – они сами, кроме того, что им не нужны мы.» ("No one knows exactly what they do want, least of all themselves, except that they don’t want us.").

Иран, в отличие от этих арабских стран - полностью подконтрольных Великобритании детищ британских разведслужб, оставался относительно самостоятельной фигурой в «Большой игре» и поэтому превратился в поле последующих столкновений британских и советских попыток за контроль над этой богатой нефтью территорией. Наиболее явно это проявилось в период англо-советской оккупации Ирана с 25 августа по 17 сентября 1941 года (Operation Countenance). Тем не менее, Иран сохранял не только независимость, но внутриполитические тенденции свидетельствовали о том, что руководство страны проводит политику явно имперского характера. Заявка Ирана на роль единственной, оставшейся в регионе, империи стала очевидной, в частности, когда Мохаммад Реза Пахлави, 16 сентября 1941 года сменивший на троне своего отца, присвоил себе титул «Шахиншаха» («Король королей»), который является древним полным императорским титулом правителей династии Ахаменидов времён Первой персидской империи.

Сирия, Ирак, Иордан, Палестина и Леван, сгрудившиеся на территории некогда великой Новоассирийской империи середины первого тысячелетия до нашей эры, для обманутых англичанами арабов, выступивших в 1916 году на стороне Великобритании против Оттоманской империи, стали горьким напоминанием о былом величии арабского «плодородного полумесяца» и символом рухнувших надежд на создание истинного единого арабского государства. Для Ирана это стало сигналом для наращивания своих имперских амбиций в отношении этого соседнего с ним региона.
Не удивительно, что англичане, а вместе с ними и американцы, вложившие столько сил и средств в разрушение и дезинтеграцию былых имперских образований, в том числе в этом регионе, испытывают, почти, генетическую неприязнь к любым намёкам на возрождение имперских амбиций со стороны кого бы то ни было. Англосаксонская цивилизация претендует на место единственной в мире мегаимперии и рассматривает борьбу с любым другим государством, выбравшем путь имперского развития, первостепенной по своему значению. Это – борьба за выживание!

Одним из необходимых факторов имперского развития того или иного государства является территориальная особенность его географического положения и численность населения. Обширные территории и большое количество населения, в сочетании с положительной демографической динамикой, делают имперскую политику неизбежной.

Империя превращается в самобытную цивилизацию, созидательные и творческие особенности которой начинают, как магнит, притягивать к себе меньшие по численности и территории народы, которые постепенно органично вписываются в систему государственных отношений. Таким образом империя продолжает расти и расширятся, включая в свою систему коммуникаций (обмена информацией, товарами и услугами) всё большее пространство.

Сегодня Иран остаётся единственным в данном регионе государством с имперским потенциалом, направленным на район Ближнего Востока. Ему противостоит англосаксонская империя в лице Великобритании, США и Франции, а также Россия и Китай, обладающие имперским потенциалом мирового масштаба. В настоящее время естественное объединение мусульман возможно только при наличии имперообразующей силы в лице отдельного мусульманского государства с мощным имперским потенциалом в регионе. Египет, с учётом его геополитического положения, не может быть естественным лидером в этом отношении. Другие страны-осколки Оттоманской империи, обременённые своим англофильским прошлым, также не в состоянии проводить самостоятельную политику. Иран на данный момент остаётся единственным государством способным проводить свою имперскую политику, в том числе при поддержке России и Китая.

Этим объясняется традиционная нелюбовь англичан и американцев к Ирану. Этим объясняется традиционная нелюбовь англосаксов к России и Китаю, когда во главе этих государств стоят дальновидные, разумные политики.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Текст песни "Hotel California" (перевод)

Окончательный вариант! Текст песни Hotel California (перевод)

Над шоссе ночным пустынным ветер свеж и хлад,

Вверх струится лучшей травки теплый аромат.

Впереди я видел свет, вдалеке светится.

Голова отяжелела, начал взор мутиться.

Нужно было на ночлег мне остановиться.

Вот она стоит в дверях. В бой труба зовет...

То ли Бог меня так любит, то ли манит чёрт.

А она зажгла свечу, повела меня...

Слышал я, что где-то пели голоса, звеня,

И слова той песни странной будто понял я....

Вас приветствует отель “Калифорния”!

Что за чудный миг! Что за чудный миг!

Что за чудный лик!

Места хватит всем в отеле “Калифорния”!

В день и час любой, в день и час любой

Мы всегда с тобой!

У нее богемный склад юного ума.

Голливудской красотой снабжена она.

У нее полно парней. Каждый – друг её!

Ночь - для танцев во дворе, страсть ручьями льет.

Кто запомнится надолго, кто-то так пройдет.

Я позвал официанта: “Где мое вино?”

Принесли мне дорогое… Прямо, как в кино!

“Вот уж десять лет такого здесь не подают”.

Голоса зовут, как прежде, спать мне не дают.

Все поют издалека, эту песнь свою...

Вас приветствует отель “Калифорния”!

Что за чудный миг! Что за чудный миг!

Что за чудный лик!

Прожигают жизнь в отеле “Калифорния”!

Вот такой сюрприз! Вот такой сюрприз!

Докажи, что чист!

Потолок - одни зеркала!

Пьем шампанское со льдом.

И она тогда сказала:

“Мы здесь - узники, а это - наш невольный дом.”

Все - в чертогах господина, чтобы есть и пить,

Чтобы каждый мог стальной свой клинок вонзить,

Но они не могут просто зверя победить.

Помню только, как бежал я к выходу скорей,

Чтоб найти дорогу к месту моих прежних дней.

Сторож вдруг сказал: “Расслабься! Принять на постой

Мы запрограммированы. Будь самим собой.

Ты формально только вышел: мы - всегда с тобой!"

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Bitter Pill for the U.S. Politics

The U.S. healthcare system facilities (hospitals, medical centers, etc.) are currently owned by anonymous private-equity groups and various entities from corporate financial industry.

The U.S. healthcare-industrial complex's operations and transactions (between medical centers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical devices and durable equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, and doctors) tend to be severely underregulated. That lack of the government regulation and control in in the U.S. health care industry is being maintained in the same way now as the lack of the government regulation and control has been in the financial and banking sector.

The culture of that lack of regulation and oversight, especially with regard to disproportionate pricing, outsize profits, and excessive compensation, is getting increasingly characteristic of the U.S. hospitals and medical centers just as in the financial sector.

Drugs and medical equipment producing companies, along with the major medical facilities (medical centers, hospitals, etc.), have been freely pursuing their policies of unrestrained prices and profits under the pretext that it is necessary to fund the risk taking of research and development. Because of heavy lobbying, Congress prohibits the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the Department of Health and Human Services from negotiating prices with drug makers, medical devices and durable medical equipment manufacturers. It also prevents any legislative measures, which could be construed as mandates for practice guidelines, coverage recommendations, payment, or policy recommendations.

The unrestricted freedom of the financial capital in the U.S. has been turning the nation's healthcare system into another economic estate of transnational financial corporate oligarchy with serious political consequences for the United States of America.

The financial sector, which is intrinsically international in nature, has been tightening its grip on the U.S. healthcare-industrial complex, using it as another avenue of political influence on the U.S. domestic policies and more. Hospitals are increasingly consolidating by buying doctors' practices and competing hospitals. Their position is usually solidified as that of community's most important charitable institution, and their influential stakeholders determine economic policies of medical equipment manufacturers, drug companies, doctors, and rank-and-file employees. As a result, hospitals have already become the most politically powerful institution in any congressional district...

The culture of that lack of regulation and oversight, especially with regard to disproportionate pricing, outsize profits, and excessive compensation, is getting increasingly characteristic of the U.S. hospitals and medical centers just as in the financial sector.

Drugs and medical equipment producing companies, along with the major medical facilities (medical centers, hospitals, etc.), have been freely pursuing their policies of unrestrained prices and profits under the pretext that it is necessary to fund the risk taking of research and development. Because of heavy lobbying, Congress prohibits the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the Department of Health and Human Services from negotiating prices with drug makers, medical devices and durable medical equipment manufacturers. It also prevents any legislative measures, which could be construed as mandates for practice guidelines, coverage recommendations, payment, or policy recommendations.

The unrestricted freedom of the financial capital in the U.S. has been turning the nation's healthcare system into another economic estate of transnational financial corporate oligarchy with serious political consequences for the United States of America.

The financial sector, which is intrinsically international in nature, has been tightening its grip on the U.S. healthcare-industrial complex, using it as another avenue of political influence on the U.S. domestic policies and more. Hospitals are increasingly consolidating by buying doctors' practices and competing hospitals. Their position is usually solidified as that of community's most important charitable institution, and their influential stakeholders determine economic policies of medical equipment manufacturers, drug companies, doctors, and rank-and-file employees. As a result, hospitals have already become the most politically powerful institution in any congressional district...

John Oliver, who is a British national, has finally admitted that, despite the fact that he likes living and working in NYC, if he got ill, he would rather fly back to the U.K. for treatment than seek medical aid in the U.S.

That was an unexpected remark but not entirely unusual for the British comedian, resident in New York, NY. American financial oligarchy, which undoubtedly is tied to the British corporate finances, currently have stakes in the U.S. healthcare system. British financiers certainly have an increasingly greater say in the U.S. healthcare system development. That is not a purely business domain for the British financiers. The U.S. healthcare system is being used as another way to influence American domestic politics through exercising complete command and control of the most powerful political institution in congressional districts today, i.e. hospitals!

Politicians like Rand Paul work hard to make sure that the culture of lack of regulation and oversight, prevalent in the banking industry and financial sector now, would be firmly established in the U.S. healthcare system as well. In the long run, that would enable the foreign corporate stakeholders, including those in the U.K., control the political processes inside the U.S. That is more in the interest of the U.K. than it is in the interest of the U.S. corporate entities, let alone the ordinary Americans.

That is why any British national, who can think, would rather support politicians like Rand Paul, who ultimately play into the hands of foreign (i.e. British) corporate interest groups, than advocate any more public-oriented healthcare system reform in the U.S. The situation is similar to that in the financial and banking sector, which the U.S. healthcare system has already become another political and economic fiefdom of.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Almighty Jesuits

The Society of Jesus (Societas Jesu) was founded by Íñigo Lopez de Recalde (1491–1556). He is known by his Romanised name Ignatius Loyola. Íñigo Lopez de Recalde was a dignitary from Spain. He was born to a wealthy noble family at Loyola Castle in the Kingdom of Navarre, in today's Basque province of Guipúzcoa, Spain.

The proper title of the organization is "Clerks Regulars of the Society of Jesus”. That term does not fully expresses the original idea of its founder that his creation was a band of spiritual soldiers living under martial law and discipline.

The ordinary term "Jesuit"was given to the Society by its avowed opponents later. It is found for the first time in the writings of the Swiss theologian John Calvin (1509 - 1564) the leader of the Reformation in Geneva who set up a strict religious community there.

Pope Julius II  (Giuliano della Rovere), aka "The Fearsome Pope" (Il Papa Terribile), declared a reformed Holy League against the Republic of Venice in 1511 and ordered all Papal fiefs to supply troops. King John III of Navarre (1484 - 1516) refused to join and declared his kingdom neutral, though. Several noble families, including Íñigo Lopez de Recalde,  sided with the Spanish.

In 1512, the forces of Ferdinand II of Aragon along with the Castilian militia and rebel Navarre nobles joined forces under the command of General Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo of Castile against King John III of Navarre, defeating him and annexing the southern regions of Navarre into the kingdom of Castile.

Íñigo de Loyola excelled himself in battle and was appointed a senior commander to Antonio Manrique de Lara, Duke of Nájera and also Castilian (Spanish) Viceroy of occupied Navarre, based at Pamplona. His main task was to enforce Spanish rule, especially the Inquisition upon the local population in Navarre.

There was a general rebellion across occupied Navarre including Pamplona in which the previous Castilian (Spanish) Viceroy, Manrique de Lara, was killed in 1516. Íñigo de Loyola and the Castilian troops under his command regrouped and routed the rebels, burning their towns and destroying their castles.

At the age of 25, Íñigo de Loyola was appointed the new Viceroy of occupied Navarre commanding several thousand troops in 1516. At the commencement of his newly appointed career, he was especially ruthless towards hundreds of the rebels, who were rounded up by his troops and secret inquisitors and executed.

But it was Viceroy Íñigo de Loyola's invention of the concept of a "professional police force", both in terms of hierarchy, strict code of conduct, law and order and counter espionage that would be one of his most historic and relatively unknown contributions to civilization.

In order to control a largely hostile population with limited resources, Íñigo commissioned his most trusted head of the secret police Francisco Xavier - also originally of Navarre - to follow a strict instruction or "rule" by which secret police would pledge their total unquestionable devotion and even to sacrifice their "self" in order to assume the role of both secret soldier, protector and assassin of "enemies of the state" by living amongst the people, rather than in barracks.

The concept of small bands of well trained men living amongst the people and often dressing like them to control law and order, rather than living in barracks in larger groups was a radical idea for the times as it went against most "traditional" military theory of overwhelming force.

The secret police force of Íñigo de Loyola was very successful and held Navarre with an iron fist for four years.  Íñigo de Loyola worked along with his loyal deputies Francisco Xavier, Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laynez from the court at Castille.

Several cities, including the cities of Valladolid, Tordesillas and Toledo in the Kingdom of Castile, rose in revolt against Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1520. While the principle duty of the Viceroy Íñigo de Loyola was to use his thousands of troops to defend Spanish Navarre against French attack, Charles ordered the Viceroy to move the bulk of his troops south to help crush the internal Castilian rebellion known as the "Revolt of the Comuneros".

Henry II of Navarre sensing a unique opportunity managed to quickly raise a French army under the command of General Asparroz of over 14,000 which invaded in 1521. Occupied Navarra suddenly erupted in revolt leaving Viceroy Íñigo de Loyola exposed with only a few thousand of his troops besieged in his citadel at Pamplona and his secret police force.

The Citadel held at the Battle of Pamplona - in which Viceroy Íñigo de Loyola was badly injured - ended around May 1521 thanks in some part to the counterinsurgency coordinated by head of the secret police force Francisco Xavier and the loyal members of his company "invisible" amongst the people. Badly injured, Íñigo de Loyola was then unable to continue his duties as Viceroy and he returned to his family fief to recover.

Íñigo de Loyola suddenly became especially religiously fervent sometime after 1522, during his recovery. During that period of recovery he refined his theories on the use of secret forces, agents and assassins to maintain order, apart from brute military force.

By 1523, Íñigo de Loyola was recovered enough from his injuries to return to service and in May/June of that same year he was appointed Emissary of Charles V to Venice to conclude a treaty with the Venetians.

Upon concluding the treaty and before heading to the Holy Land, Íñigo de Loyola is believed to have found the climate and hospitality of the Venetians agreeable to his continued recovery and remained as an honored guest of Doge Andrea Gritti until early 1524.

Loyola was recalled to Spain by Charles V in 1524. He experienced a growing frustration and hatred towards Charles V after being appointed to rule Salamanca in Spain and because of the lack of interest on the part of the Emperor in the refined techniques of Íñigo de Loyola to establish and run a complete secret police force capable of subjugating any enemy.

Contrary to the complete lack of interest of Charles V concerning the "company rule" of Loyola in conducting secret police forces and armies of assassins hidden within the population, King Francis I like the Venetians almost certainly considered such knowledge to be extremely powerful in the art of "statecraft". Loyola no longer considered himself a loyal soldier to the Emperor, instead he was now an agent and teacher to his former enemies, the French, Venetians and English.

Íñigo de Loyola was directly responsible for the formation of the first official Secret Police Force in history when King Francis I in 1527 merged the ancient offices of Constable and Marshal Provost into a new force known as Maréchaussée or, formally, the Constabulary and Marshalcy of France (Connétablie et Maréchaussée de France) - commonly known as the Police.

To ensure the effectiveness and self-regulation of this new concept of a professional "police force", Íñigo de Loyola commissioned them their own "Constitution" which members of the Maréchaussée were sworn to uphold under the concept of "Esprit De Corpus" ("For the spirit of the company"), commonly known as Esprit De Corps.

Despite his frustration at the limits placed upon his vision, Íñigo de Loyola remained in the employ of Francis I at least up to 1534.

After that Loyola was brought into contact with Francis Borja, the paternal great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI. Using the experience under King Francis I, Loyola modified the Constitutions for a new Order - an Order of "Soldiers for Christ" under the “Esprit De Corp” of absolute obedience and loyalty to their Superior, willing to die without hesitation for the "greater glory of God" ("Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam").

By the summer of 1534, Loyola had summoned his old allies to Paris to help establish the new "Soldiers of Christ" including Francis Xavier, Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laynez, and Nicholas Bobadilla, all Spanish; Peter Faber, a Frenchman; and Simão Rodrigues of Portugal.

On "Assumption Day" of August 15, 1534, Íñigo Loyola and the other six met in the crypt of the Chapel of St. Denis, at Montmartre in Paris and founded the Company of Jesus - "to attack the enemies of the church by any and all means, or to go without questioning wherever the General of the Order might direct".

In this first most secret ceremony of the founding the Order of the “Soldiers of Christ” is the origin of the same secret ceremony of other secret organizations with strict military-like discipline including the notorious Freemasons. During the rite of initiation, each initiate "died" to their old selves, pledging absolute and unquestioning loyalty to the Esprit De Corps, their absolute undying loyalty to Ignatius Loyola as the "illuminated one".

After the ceremony, one group including Loyola headed north to the Netherlands to plan their attempted assassination of the Emperor Charles V, while another group with poison provided from the infamous book of Borja headed to Rome in order to prepare for the assassination  of Giulio de' Medici (Pope Clement VII).

Loyola and the Netherland group failed in their attempt to kill the Emperor, but forty days later September 25, 1534 Pope Clement VII was found dead and Alessandro Farnese was elected the new Pope (Pope Paul III).

Evading capture, Íñigo de Loyola did not return to Paris, but instead travelled straight to Venice where he was warmly received by his old friend Doge Andrea Gritti. But before Venice could help sponsor with the new Pope Paul III the creation of Loyola's international "Police Force", Loyola would need to demonstrate his talents once again and help Venice create a new professional "sea bound" military force.

The Venetians had generally used the military skills of others. The Venetians mostly usually applied their brilliance at banking and finance to broker some deal, as well as payment for the necessary militia skills, known historically as the "lagunari". But the Ottoman Empire and the professional standing armies of Europe meant such kind of "rent-a-war" was no longer viable - especially as Venice continued to face increasing attack.

The solution by Íñigo de Loyola for the Venetians was the formation of the first permanent professional military units of Venice known officially as the Marine Corps - a smaller army of a few thousand highly trained, highly motivated soldiers, sworn by sacred oath to unquestionable and absolute allegiance and honor.

The word marine meaning "sea" and the word corps meaning in this context "bank of knights" therefore the first Marine Corps in history meaning literally "band of sea knights" - the name Fanti da Mar (infantry of the sea) a deliberate distraction to hide their official name.

Íñigo de Loyola and his most loyal companions took their vows and were ordained as Franciscan Priests at the Frari Basilica in 1537. Loyola was at the age of 46 at the time. They swore their allegiance to the "Gray Pope" the Minister General and therefore to Venice and to its partnership with Rome as the Holy See.

The new members of the Orders Friar Minor then traveled to Rome to see Pope Paul III, with Loyola fully expecting to honor his promise and grant the new Police force the "Company of Gesu" for the Venetians and Roman Cult controlling the Catholic Church. However, he was to be immediately frustrated. Such a military entity as presented by Loyola and his friends represented far too much power and the Cardinals were wear of an all out revolt.

Loyola was forced to remain in Rome and play diplomat and politician, offering concessions and conditions such as the new order being based in Rome and not Venice. Also, a strict rule was to be instituted by Loyola to ensure compliance and clear limits on the power of this soon-to-be-unleashed "power". After three long and difficult years, the concessions were sufficient for Pope Paul to feel safe in issuing his Papal Bull.

Pope Paul III confirmed the order through the bull Regimini militantis on September 27, 1540 but limited the number of its members to sixty. This limit severely hampered the role of the Soldiers of Christ and made their purpose of becoming the most powerful Police Force ever conceived unattainable. However, thanks to patience and further negotiation, this limitation on numbers was removed through the Bull Injunctum Nobis on March 14, 1543. Thus was born the Societas Jesu , Society of Jesus, or, as it is commonly known today, "the Jesuits".

Then another significant victory for the early formation of the Jesuits was obtained as Pope Paul III issued a bull in 1545 permitting them to preach, hear confession, dispense the sacraments and say mass without having to refer to a bishop. That had effectively placed the Jesuit members outside the control of the regional clergy.

While technically monks, according to the Constitution of Loyola, the Jesuit priests were exempted from the cloistered rule (i.e. living in monasteries). Instead, Jesuit monks were to live "in the world".

In 1546, Pope Paul III appointed the Jesuits to their first political mission, appointing Lainez and Salmeron as his official representatives at the Council of Trent as Pontifical Theologians. Lainez with the assistance of Cardinal Monroe successfully defeated all but one minor agenda item for reform of the Catholic Church.

It seemed that this and many other subsequent services delivered by the newly created most powerful and versatile special military order in the world made it sure that the power of the Pope remained unchallenged.