Monday, 6 October 2014

McCain Confirmed as Meeting with Cannibal, Kidnapper, and Caliph; Biden Confesses Turkey, Saudis, and Emirates Funded ISIS Terrorists Out of Desperation to Topple Assad; Turkey’s Erdogan Responds with Threats; Pattern of Security Crises Around Obama Demonstrates War Party Intent to Extort War; Democrats Still Silent on McConnell’s Austerity Promise to Koch; #ArrestMcCain4ISIS Spreading «

McCain Confirmed as Meeting with Cannibal, Kidnapper, and Caliph; Biden Confesses Turkey, Saudis, and Emirates Funded ISIS Terrorists Out of Desperation to Topple Assad; Turkey’s Erdogan Responds with Threats; Pattern of Security Crises Around Obama Demonstrates War Party Intent to Extort War; Democrats Still Silent on McConnell’s Austerity Promise to Koch; #ArrestMcCain4ISIS Spreading «

Biden Confesses Turkey, Saudis, and Emirates Funded ISIS Terrorists Out of Desperation to Topple Assad;

US Vice President Joseph Biden has — for reasons still being clarified — just dished up a large portion of truth about recent events in Syria. Biden’s revelation came during an October 3 speech to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Biden was responding to a question about US policy regarding Syria.

“Our allies in the region were our biggest problem in Syria,” Biden said. “The Turks are great friends and I have a great relationship with Erdogan. The Saudis, the Emiratis,etc. But what were they doing? They were so determined to take down [Syrian President Bashar al-]Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war that they poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad. Except the people being supplied were Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda and extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world. We couldn’t convince our colleagues to stop supplying them.”

Biden added that these countries had “awakened” to the threat from IS and other militants: “It took a while for Turkey, a Sunni nation, to figure out that ISIL was a direct and immediate threat to their well-being,” Biden commented.

Biden also claimed that Erdogan had confessed his own mistakes directly to the Vice President. “He said, ‘You were right. We let too many people through.’ Now they’re trying to seal their border,” the Vice President said.

While not the whole story by any means, these observations are more accurate than any description of the Syrian crisis coming thus far from the US government. Indeed, Biden with this statement has endorsed the basic contentions of Assad, Moallem, Mekdad, and other Syrian officials about the nature of the Syrian destabilization.

Apoplectic over Biden’s speech was by contrast Turkey’s megalomaniac neo-Ottoman strongman Erdogan, whose main divergence from ISIS is that Erdogan wants the post of Sultan and Caliph for himself, and not for the upstart Ibrahim backed by Senator McCain.

Senator Joe Biden “No one can accuse Turkey of having supported any terrorist organisation in Syria, including IS,” railed the aspiring neo-Ottoman Erdogan, attempting to deny what is common knowledge in the Middle East and worldwide. “If Biden told these words, then he will be history to me. I never uttered such remarks.” Erdogan advanced the grotesque claim that his government had not provided “even the smallest amount of support” to IS or any other terrorists: “Nobody can prove it. Foreign fighters never crossed from Turkey to Syria. There were people coming to Turkey as tourists and went to Syria, but nobody can suggest that they were armed while crossing the border.” These absurd statements refute themselves.

Erdogan continued: “I view [Biden's statement] with regret. I never admitted any mistake, nor did we tell them that they ‘were right’ during my visit to the US. If Mr. Biden uttered these remarks at Harvard, he should apologize. I’m saying this clearly. And we won’t accept slender, indirect explanations.”

Expert linguistic opinion is solicited as to whether Erdogan’s “He will be history” remark should be construed in the original Turkish as a death threat to Vice President , and therefore be inserted in the pattern of pro-terrorist War Party threats against the White House which have proliferated over recent days.
(Erdogan photo courtesy of Government of Chile)

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