Monday, 4 April 2016

Digital Advertising Tips: 5 Campaign Reports Every Marketer Needs - Adalyz

Digital Advertising Tips: 5 Campaign Reports Every Marketer Needs - Adalyz

Digital Advertising Tips: 5 Campaign Reports Every Marketer Needs

Are you running paid campaigns or social advertisements to increase your brand’s awareness, outreach and engagement?

Are you measuring each aspect of the campaign and how it is helping you achieve the end goal?

Given the fact that there are innumerable tools in the digital industry that a marketer can use to analyze his campaign’s performance, most get overwhelmed by the data available to them. And this often results in marketers not choosing the right key metric for their campaign.

Not monitoring the right metrics can result in wrong conclusions of the current market and marketing decisions that wouldn’t deliver the expected ROIs.

So what are the reports that should matter most to a marketer running paid social campaigns?

1. Acquisition reporting

The very first report that a marketer needs to pay attention to, is acquisition. This report basically reveals how the business is acquiring customers – organic and paid. While organic traffic heavily relies on SEO, the paid traffic usually comes from targeted marketing campaigns being run on different channels.

Here’s what this report should ideally include:

the keywords your business is targeting

the keywords your business is ranking for

the websites/ad networks you’re making use of

how many campaigns you’re running

the number of visitors to your website per campaign

the number of organic visitors to your website

the number of inbound links to your business site

the volume of paid traffic to your website

the percentage of people who converted – organic and paid

the cost of acquiring one customer

the cost of engagement per campaign

These metrics should be able to tell you which campaigns and platforms are benefitting your business the most in terms of ROI. They will also help you make better future campaign decisions – organic and paid, both.

2. Engagement reporting

After your campaign has generated enough traffic to your business website, a marketer must analyze and create a report of engagement. How many visits has a customer made, what are the pages he has spent most time on or interacted with, what are the actions he has taken, etc. This report is basically created to understand the behavior of the traffic that comes from the various social channels. While some might work for you and bring you the ideal customers, another might just be pulling in irrelevant traffic.

Here’s what this report should ideally include:

number of engaged visitors over a period of time

the area/type of engagement

the demographics of the engaged audience (location,social channel, gender, etc)

the number of converted customers

the positive or negative growth of conversion over a period of time

This report reveals how different marketing campaigns on different social channels affect your ROI or conversions. It also helps you identify which of the channels your ideal customers are mostly present and active on.

3. Audience actions reporting

After engaging and acquiring a customer, it is important to know what he is doing as well. User actions – what he clicks, what he shares, what he uses, etc, define how well he understand what you offer.

This is like a behavioral analysis that helps marketers understand which features are valuable to your business and what’s not getting any kind of attention from your target audience. An audience actions report helps you identify where your product/service isn’t performing and the different ways to encourage more people to convert.

Here are a few things you should be including in this report:

the number of customers who have interacted with your campaign

the features you want your customers to focus on from the campaign

the important actions you need customers to take for discovering them

the features that are getting the most attention or the least

percentage of customers who have discovered them

problems that the remaining customers are facing in discovering them

Adalyz offers a unified dashboard so you can access all your social media campaign data from one place. It also enables you to add campaigns from your social channels to smart folders to compare, organize, simplify reporting, generate common and actionable insights, and find hidden trends.

4. Segmentation reporting

When you analyse a paid campaign’s results, you are able to gauge what your target audience has interacted with and converted on. And this may vary from customer to customer. Your target audience can be segmented into several sections based on their interests, interaction, stage in marketing and sales funnel, etc, apart from the general demographics.

Here’s what you should include in this report:

the general demographics of your target audience

definition of each segment of your target audience

key events completed by a user to fall in a particular segment

Even though most businesses define their user personas/ ideal customer personas before hand, it is important to keep re-examining and updating them. The market trends and needs of the people change constantly today, and staying on top of things will get you better results.

Segmenting your target audience will also help you personalize your campaigns around their displayed purchase triggers.

5. Funnel reporting

A marketing and sales funnel basically defines the series of events that lead a prospect to conversion. Outlining the customer journey and monitoring their progress can help marketers align their strategies around what they need to convert.

Here’s what this report should ideally include:

outline of the funnel along with description and goals

explanation of the final step (conversion)

number of users at different stages of the funnel

conversion rates at each step of the funnel

This report basically helps the marketers understand why people are dropping out of their funnel, what’s stopping them from converting, etc. Having a defined funnel is the best way to ensure your prospects convert in an effective way.

But before you get started, here’s what the new marketing and sales funnel looks like:

And most importantly..

A marketer needs to share his reports with his teammates and business managers. This helps everyone stay in sync with each other’s progress and even help them out where the need be.

Now, sharing multiple reports for various social media campaigns can be a herculean task. But Adalyz makes it all easy. It lets marketers easily share their multiple campaign reports from the unified dashboard with just a simple click.

What other reports do you think a marketer must invest time in?

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