Thursday, 29 May 2014

5 charts that prove Congress really is getting worse - Vox

5 charts that prove Congress really is getting worse

Protesters demonstrate outside the Capitol

Tish Wells/MCT via Getty Images

It's conventional wisdom now Congress has become pretty dysfunctional.
But people have always complained about Congress. "If con is the
opposite of pro," goes the old joke, "is Congress the opposite of

But the evidence is stacking up: Congress really is getting worse.
And, at the same time, it's getting more expensive. These charts tell
the tale.

1) According to a new paper, gridlock is rising


new paper
by Sarah Binder of the Brookings Institution finds that gridlock has
been on a consistent upward trend for the past 50 years, and is still

The number of bills Congress passes can be a misleading indicator of
how much Congress gets done, as a whole lot of law can end up in a
single, multi-thousand page package. So Binder developed a clever test:
she checked whether an issue was mentioned in the New York Times
editorial page, and then whether Congress passed any legislation on that
issue that year. This was meant to go beyond regular statistics about
how many bills become law and get information about whether Congress
acts on issues of importance. She found that, increasingly, they don't — and the
2011-2012 Congress was "the most gridlocked in the postwar era." The
numbers aren't yet in on the 2013-2014 Congress, but there's little
reason to believe they've improved.

2) Congress is horribly unpopular


This chart, from Gallup,
is self-explanatory. Congress's approval rarely managed to climb above
20 percent in the past 4 years. Its recent approval ratings are the
lowest on record. Practically anything polled manages to get a higher approval than Congress. That includes traffic jams, lice, and Nickelback.

3) Congress is more polarized than it's been in over 100 years


According to political scientists Keith Poole and Howard Rosenthal,
party polarization in Congress is at a modern-day high. This
polarization makes it more difficult for members from different parties
to collaborate on important issues. Read our card on the issue, or head over to the VoteView site for more. The bottom line, though, is if you think the two parties in Congress seem further apart than ever — you're right.

4) This Congress is the least productive in the postwar era


Out of over 7,000 bills and joint resolutions introduced during
this Congress, only 107 have become law so far — fewer, by this point,
than in any other Congress since at least the 1970s. And last year's
Congress already had the lowest number of new laws in modern times. Political scientist Jonathan Bernstein has some smart thoughts on this data here.

5) Yet Congressional elections are more expensive than ever


Spending on Congressional elections — which includes money spent by
the candidates themselves, PACs, and outside groups, as totaled by the Center for Responsive Politics — reached an unprecedented $3.6 billion in 2010, and a similar number in 2012. And already, it's starting to look like the 2014 midterms will set a new record.

So this Congress is among the most gridlocked, least popular, most
polarized and least productive ever. Oh, and it's also the most
expensive on record. Apart from that, though, things are going great.

Card 1 of 11
Launch cards

What is congressional dysfunction?

Congress, in this case,
refers to the legislative branch of the United States government. It's
composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. And it is, by
far, the most powerful branch of the US government.

Congress is mentioned first in the Constitution, and its
enumerated powers far exceed those of the Supreme Court or the
The simplest way to see this is to envision a
direct collision between Congress and the other branches: Congress can
pass legislation into law over the president’s veto. The president,
meanwhile, doesn’t even have a way to make Congress consider
legislation, much less pass anything into law over congressional
objections. Meanwhile, nominees to the Supreme Court must pass a vote in
the Senate, and Congress retains the power to alter the composition of
the Court (the Court has nine members currently because Congress decreed
it would have nine members in the Judiciary Act of 1869).

When people talk about congressional dysfunction they usually
mean that Congress, despite its vast authority, seems paralyzed in the
face of the nation's toughest problems. The paralysis usually stems from
disagreements between the two parties, and is exacerbated by the
unusual construction of the US Congress, which makes it possible for one
party to control the House while the other controls (or at least
exercises veto power) in the Senate. A secondary (and arguably related)
problem people are sometimes referring to is the perception that the
personal relationships between members of the two parties are angrier
than they've been in the past.

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