Why has NATO become obsolete? What purpose das the union of the all along fully independent states in North America have in this day and age? Why is it proper to talk now about disbanding NATO and, strictly speaking, allowing the states to be a confederation of separate independant states again?
The United States were all along conceived as a strategic weapon against a foreign threat of global proportions. Initially it was the British Empire that had threatened the existence of the free American states. Later, the united states, streamlined by the federal centralized power from Washington, became increasingly militarized both economically and politically. By the time the WWI had begun, the US economy was already war-oriented and serving the needs of the US war industry. Overseas wars became a necessary, indispensible component of the US economy. It thrived in the preparation for and during the WWII, as well as in the post-war years, it expanded during the Cold War period, and it continued to rely on phathomed global threats after the fall of the Soviet Union. Even in the absence of any rational ground, the military-industrial complex of the United States of America continued to expand through the expantion of NATO finding justification for its existence in ever expanding range of false global threats, including the threat of "global terrorism".
The powers behind this expansion of America's military might, including through its NATO partnership, rely heavily on the ongoing war conflicts throughout the world and are most interested in reviving their global confrontation with Russia and/or China, regardless of the foreign policies of the latter.
Global peace, development, and prosperity are at stake! The key problem is not the policies of Russia, China, European Union, and even the United States. The problem is the existence of NATO as a war instrument which power makes the temptation of its use irresistable and which maintenance expences make its use economically inevitable.
Moreover, the existence of America as a militarist union aimed at thwarting any global threat whatsoever has become irrelevant in today's world of mutually dependant economic and political subjects of international relations. In the absence of true imperial global threats, the existence of NATO and war-oriented economic and political systems of the united states in North America, serving as the pivot of the military alliance, become obsolete both morally and economically.
The United States as a military machine that had been designed to resist existential threats to separate states and groups of nations has become too expensive to maintain and too outdated to navigate the seas of modern global politics. The US/NATO military machine has lost its efficiency! It became a burden rather than a remedy.
It is time to scrap the outdated union of the American states, as that centralized federal government has proved largely ineffective in addressing most of the pressing needs of the peoples of the states. The burden of the federal government of the US on the states has become so heavy and pronounced. Whereas the existence of the union and the sacrifices that the states have to make in order to support it have become unjustified, no matter how hard corrupted Washingto, DC tried to prove otherwise by pouring lies and deceptive propaganda on American people.
There is no evidence that the existence of draconian centralized power of Washington, DC is justified. The States of America would certainly better off without the constraining power of the federal center. All the resources that are used to support the military machine that is obsolete and too expensive could be used to solve home economic problems of the states. Instead, they are being used to support disfunctional federal legislative and corrupt judiciary apparatus while keeping up the appearances of the democratic process that no one believes any more.
It is time to think about giving all autonomy and independant status to all the states that find it lucrative to secede from the union. This would make the American states, freed from the burden of the federal center, even more prosperous. It would free enormous resources. The US should stop playing the role of a military stallwart at the expence of the individual states' citizens. It is not justified and it causes more problems than it can resolve in modern-day world.
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